Why in the hell is $25 USD trending on Twitter?
With all that is wrong with Twitter, on occasion, you get way more than what you pay for. I noted in a Tweet a short time ago, that if you really want someone to learn about something, make a horrible wrong hot take on something and you'll have amateur historians crawling out of the wood work correcting the Tweet and informing everyone in the Socials about something very few people seemed to knew about.
This morning there was a Tweet celebrating Victory Day.
Let’s remember who defeated fascism in WWII.
I am not going to even link to that tweet, because that communist parrot couldn't make a single point without dozens of people showing how wrong she was about every statement she made in her thread. She even writes books for a living about history, so it was a sad state all around. Anyway, I learned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), while having a few thousand man military force, only participated in one action. And I learned that there was another force called the Kuomintang (KMT), while about the same size as the CCPs force, was active in the fight against Japan. The KMT was against the communist and since the communists eventually won, the history about the KMT's role in WWII has been altered slightly by The Party.
[insert shocked face here]
If you didn't know, May 1st is the day May Day is celebrated. May Day is a communist holiday, because the communists celebrate the Chicago Haymarket Riot Wrap all those ribbons around the pole so that it becomes unified as one thing, just forget about that Celtic tradition thingy.
I guess May is Communist History Month. Because the Fight for Fifteen activists are at it today.
Now, I don't know whether or not this Tweet is the origin on the trend, but it makes sense. If you are unfamiliar with Fight for Fifteen, it is a movement to raise the minimum wage across the board to USD $15 per hour. That is about twice the current minimum wage. If you look at minimum wage increase across time, you will notice that there were never large jumps in minimum wage. If you look at the current USD $7.25 rate that was changed in 2009 and go backwards, there is about 30 years of difference between then and when the rate was half that. Raising the minimum wage at a slow rate does not hurt the economy, because in most instances, the rate was probably already above the Federal rate in all of the states.
Personally, I feel there should be no minimum wage. If a job only requires the minimum of skill level, it should only pay what the minimum someone is willing to accept in order to do the job.
By forcing a minimum wage, you are artificially inflating the worth of a skill. If a minimal skilled job is worth USD $15 per hour, every other job that requires more skill level is now worth more. You haven't improved the living of the low wage worker, you have just raised the cost of purchasing everything and lowered the value of the money used to purchase things.
Nobody currently making USD $15 per hour is going to sit back and accept being paid the same as the person who was being paid half that the day before. So, now USD $15 becomes $30, $30 becomes $60, as so forth. All wages inflate, which means that companies have three choices.
- Increase the prices of their products
- Reduce the services for the same price (basically the same as 1)
- Reduce their costs
Of course, if the change is drastic enough, they could do all three. Which is where the fast-food companies are headed. They will not only increase the prices of their products, because they will see an increase in the costs of their bulk purchase, they will reduce their services. Their margins are small and the biggest cost reduction will be from removing workers, who are now the most expensive part of their equation.
Businesses have been working on automation as long as there have been businesses. Anything that will reduce the cost of labor and create a more consistent product. The food industry in general is highly automated and the restaurant industry has been heading with ordering kiosk, table based menus and eventually robotic delivery.
Fight for Fifteen will not only drive things to more automation, it will accelerate things. Pushing for a living wage will put it into hyper-drive. But, that's what the communists want, they want to push Universal Basic Income. A plan to pay everyone a minimum wage, regardless if they work or not, and a lot of these people will not be working. We have already seen that COVID relief packages that have increased unemployment payouts have caused a shorter of workers in the low wage industries. People are choosing to stay unemployed, because it pays more than working.
So, we don't have to fast forward to see where this is going.
You end up with a working class and a dependent class. And, that stays that way until the working class decides it doesn't want to work any more, then you get war.
Let the positive energy sing!
More Power to the Minnows!!
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We have over 28 trillion dollars in debt and bureaucrats running the show, what could go wrong?!? Name your most hated politction at the moment and that person is helping to push the big money's agenda, I mean solution. What do you think the end result will be of fewer jobs, high inflation, a weaker dollar, and a bigger wealth gap be? What is the end game of the parasites, I mean elites agenda????https://www.usdebtclock.org/
Less jobs means more government handouts.
More government handouts means more government control.
They want Marching Morons, because they are easy to control.
Beyond that, I think they are trying to tear down Nation-States. They want to play god and not have to be held to a Nations laws. They muted President Trump when he was president of the free world, question mark. These unelected elites hold private meetings and collude to push agendas. These meetings were at one time considered a conspiracy theory but now they call it davos world economic forum.