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RE: A New Level of Control

Thanks for your thoughtful video "A New Level of Control," it is clear to me that stopping our reliance or dependance from the MSM to be informed is the one of the most revolutionary steps we can make. But for that we need to show people how to get the sources of real news. The next big step is drinking seawater as I have been learning and doing for the last decade.

Yes, seawater is another answer, because it has all the minerals you can find in nature. Studying the forbidden science behind seawater you will find Rene Quinton and his discovery of the constancy laws of all vertebrates' internal environment. So now many many people are drinking seawater to stay healthy without drugs.

Most of our literature is in Spanish at but we have a page in English at

I will be adding more to that page in English as soon as I find more.

Best Regards,
Fernando Doylet