Actually I highly believe that the common people are starting to revolt worldwide against medical tyranny and forced compliance.
Excellent work and definitely I'm going to be following you!
It has been a proven fact in my life that medical individuals have pushed their opinions and desires upon my life while trying to manipulate me with pharmaceutical drugs and the threats of removal of access to those.
What kind of doctor manipulates a patient with access to medicine and threatening to deny access?
Between Mr sippy cup being bought and paid for by Chinese interests to destroy the United States and destabilized country.
However we also have communist China getting paid to do gain of function research in a substandard research facility with individuals that are incompetent for the positions..
Then how about that war against Taiwan and threatening India as well as all the other bordering Nations to the communist people's liberation army?
We live in an age when conspiracy theories are proven to be facts.
Keep up the work even if they try to silence you!
I like what you say here :)