Digital currency study from the FED

Lael Brainard, Member of the Board of the Federal Reserve (Fed), reported that the Fed is conducting an active research and trial study on the digital currency.

Speaking at an event organized by the Fed's San Francisco branch, Brainard emphasized that considering the role of the dollar, it is important for the Fed to research and develop policies on digital currencies.

"The Fed is actively conducting research and testing into the potential use of accounting technologies and digital currencies," Brainard said. used the expression

Stating that innovative technologies are being researched to offer the digital equivalent of cash in this context, Brainard stated that they continue to evaluate the opportunities, difficulties and usage situations of digital currencies as a complement to cash and other payment options.

Brainard pointed out that strong demand for the US dollar continues, underlining their commitment to providing the public with access to a variety of payment options.