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RE: Medical Martial Law is Coming

Your feelings of futility resonate with me, sadly. We, the screamers are tired. We who have been denouncing anti-human authoritarian systems and urging decentralized, pro-human solutions for years and years, only to be ignored and scoffed at.

I see the futility when I look at the situation logically, rationally. So I try not to.

To be honest, I always felt optimistic, like we had more time. I knew how bad things were, and yet there was still a glimmer of freedom in the minds of men and women. There were dissonant personalities, disruptive technologies, there was Wikileaks and crypto and Craigslist. Even if they didn't always behave like free and moral individuals, most people still knew intrinsically what freedom meant and that it was vital. Or so I thought. I figured we still had a generation, maybe two, before shit got so bad that the authoritarian evils gained full control and became unstoppable. And that at the rate our numbers were growing, it would be a sure win for us. It seems I was wrong. But I still can't help but feel optimistic. Perhaps it's just my nature.

Maybe my anxiety button is dysfunctioning. Most everyone I know who understands the evil we face is gripped with worry and depression, or can't think about it too much lest they spiral into bouts of unproductive anxiety. This is not the case for me. I think about it all the time, and my feeling is not so much anxiety as motivation. I'm motivated to write about it, motivated to speak about it, motivated to gather my community together to overcome it, to do what we can, at least in our own little corner of the world. Maybe it's blind optimism, but all epic stories need a character or two like that.


Is it too late now? I think not, but I don't know.

I know this. Our enemy does not tire.


And so if there is any hope, if it is not too late, we must meet it each day in the battlefield for the human mind. This is it. The biggest, most important fight in all of history. If I believed in destiny, I would say that this fight is what we were born for, and that everything before this was just training, preparation. I hope not to die on this hill, but if I do, I'll know that I died fighting in defense of humanity and doing what's right.

Get some good rest, Max. And read a novel where the good guys win.


I still hope they have moved too fast and enough of us in oz will wakeup in time to skuttle the regime change plan, this round at least. mindkiller.jpg