I read this post a few days ago and am finally able to respond:
- Homeschool your kids and if you can't, gather with a group of like minded parents and stage a walk out. What they are doing to children is an absolute disgrace and needs to be dealt with before, if it's not already, to late.
- The sexualization of children, again, is frightening and oh so disgusting. You can't even trust to bring your child to a health care facility without them shoving this stuff in your face. The fact that there are "how to packets" on things such as "tucking" and "binding" should be enough to make you stop and question what in the actual hell is going on here? What happened to those good ol' fashion posters of the inside of a human body posted along doctors walls? Or the ones that suggest going outside, allowing children to run and be free, limit screen time to 2 hours a day. They are being replaced with this grooming nonsense.
- The article about Justin Beiber's wife.. hm, there is no mention of how the vaccine is causing the blood clots found in young people, oh no, instead they are trying to normalize this. They are equating it to poor eating habits and unhealthy life style choices. It's quite disturbing. It is NOT normal for so many young people to be having these kinds of issues. It's just not.
I saw a post a few weeks ago, the original source I do not have, but it said this:
Don't let them normalize myocarditis in children like they did Autism
That spoke to me. They have been doing this for years, going after our children, trying to make them reliant on big pharma and ruining perfectly healthy children for their own selfish gains. - "Bleeders", oh you mean WOMEN because men do not bleed. Their bodies are not capable of it. No matter how many hormones you take, men do not menstruate. Men do not create human life inside of their bodies. Men are not and can never be women to the full extent; you may dress like one, paint your nails like one, and identify as one, which is fine, that is your right but please stop pushing your agenda on our children. Just go on and live and let us live how we so choose.
This is huge. I am about to have daughter and am ready to defend our values + beliefs however I can. Didn't know much about homeschooling 7 months ago, but now I'm looking into it more and more with every new breaking story. Stay tuned.
Posted via D.Buzz
There are more and more homeschooling resources becoming available due to the insanity we are experiencing within our public school systems. Parents around the country are angry and fighting back, many taking their children out of the system and turning to homeschooling. I have a three year old daughter and we are planning on homeschooling. I look forward to it and will share any information I receive :)
Also, congratulations on welcoming a little girl into this world soon. Will she be your first?