Отже, вітаємо усіх з завершенням конкурсу "Цінність спільноти Quac в вашому житті". Створюючи цей конкурс ми хотіли почути, як робота нашої спільноти вплинула на ваше життя. Читаючи статті, ми побачили абсолютно різні роздуми. Дехто з вас краще зрозумів нашу думку і написав влучні слова. Хтось просто доповнив конкурс прекрасними фотографіями та побажаннями! Дякуємо усім, хто взяв участь! З Днем Народження QUAC!
So, congratulations to all on the completion of the "Quac Community Value in Your Life" contest. In creating this contest, we wanted to hear how the work of our community has affected your life. Reading the articles, we saw completely different thoughts. Some of you have better grasped our point and written the right words. Someone just supplemented the contest with beautiful photos and wishes! We are grateful to everyone who took part! Happy Birthday QUAC!
Під кожним фото ми прикріпили основні слова про Quac з постів кожного учасника ( щоб прочитати повністю, клацайте на фото )
Under each photo, we have attached the main words about Quac from the posts of each participant (to read in full, click on the photo)
Contest Results:
🏆Виграшний голос @blocktrades
I want to say that the Ukrainian community is really lucky with a community like Quac. Because I'm a member of many communities, I can compare the support of the Quac community and other communities of its members and I can say that we have very serious support. This motivates me a lot of Ukrainians to intensify their efforts and create really high-quality content. After making sure that the quality content really received worthy support, I invited my wife and my sister to the Quac community, who also appreciated the benefits of creating quality content. I want to thank the people who work hard for the Quac community and choose really high-quality content for the daily sample, as well as the curator of the Quac @blocktrades community for his continued support.
💸Призовий переказ 20 Hive від Quac
A ray of light in the darkness of the unknown - that's what the QUAC community has become for us. And I want to thank the organizers of my participating in the competition. There was a certain confidence in tomorrow, when I knew for sure that a few hours with love spent time on your favourite blogging will be rewarded! I don't know any other community in Hive that appreciates people's work so fairly!
So little words you need to write of your author's story and make a beautiful design of the article, using only three beautiful quality photos. These are nice simple rules that are easy to follow. Therefore, I would like to thank once again the curators of this community for their hard work in creating the rules of quality Ukrainian content on the hive blockchain. My daughters and I are really big fans of the Quac community, which makes our lives interesting and full. Happy Birthday QUAC!
💸Призовий переказ 15 Hive від Quac
Traits that impress me in the QUAC community:
There are rules clearly spelled out. And I like it!! It's easier to create when you have a starting point. You can not follow the rules... But then you will not be included in the sample. That's why most people try and it's usually interesting to read.
Financial reward for diligence. In the international community, even a good article may not be noticed ... And in QUAC 99.9% that you will receive an award. Then there is an incentive to continue working. So congratulations to the community and all of us on our birthdays!
✨Почесні згадки:
It's great that because of the support, which is not so pleasant in all communities, new faces and interesting posts appear. It is gratifying that due to community rules, low-quality content is automatically eliminated. And if you have joined the community, you know for sure that there will be something to read and see.Thanks to the samples, you want to create high-quality and beautiful material that will not only get lost somewhere in the tape, but will also be interesting or useful to someone. I want to thank everyone who supports the life of our Quac community, as well as the Quac community curator @blocktrades for his continued support.
First of all, I want to congratulate the Quac community on its first and most important birthday! Wish for more community, more interesting content, more new experiences and experiences! And behind my shoulders only a few months on hive. And those few months were a real adventure. I wrote my posts and read others, waited for the sample and was happy with the award!
It is also nice that quality photos and text are supported by all members of the community, as well as the constant curator @blocktrades. This personally encourages me to write better. Happy birthday, Quac! Further prosperity to all of us!
Дякую Quac за вашу згадку мене))))
Дякую за почесну згадку! І вітаю призерів! 😊 А ще зростання та процвітання спільноті QUAC))
Дякуємо за ваш вклад:)
О, дякую, за виграшний голос, приємно, що мої скромні зусилля оцінили 😊. Вітаю всіх призерів та лауреатів також!
Дякуємо за те, що ви приєднались 🙏🏻
Вітаю з Днем народження, QUAC 😀
Дякую за почесне місце.
Цікаво було би взяти участь у інших тематичних конкурсах.
Також дякую за згадку спільноті QUAC))