so how come saudi who are mulsims attacking yemen and causing a humanitarian disaster are ok. but iranian backed groups that are fighting ISIS and saudi are bad?
tommy robinson, i have marched for you four times when you were in jail. you need to wake the fuck up and understand iran are not the enemy. it aint iran flooding the west with money to build mosques, they have been sanctioned for decades
and soleimani was head of the iranian army. you know why they call the iranian army and its special forces terrorists? so they can 'legally' continuew to bomb iraq and syria
you are such a good sheeple
say 'baaa' nazi
If israel are 'surrounded by enemies' then the banksters shouldnt have asked for a country in the middle of said enemies should it
you can be against islam and supportive of mulsim countries that are facing aggression from israel and their little bitch USA
- Truth Tuber
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your as "truth" as a salesman selling ice to Eskimos
- PiPtar