So, say that you’re a wrestling fan and you’ve either played in eWrestling or have heard of it. You think, I can do what these fine folks are doing. I’m here to tell you that you’ll want to get experience in the game before you become head of the game. Join a fed, write a few matches. Get a core of people interested in your idea for an eFed. Then, come back here and read on. We’ll be here waiting for you.
Now that you have decided to create an efed, what kind of eFed do you want to create? Let’s go down the road for the different types and methods of play.
For results, we have video game feds and written feds. Video Game feds are played out on different wrestling video games (WWE’s 2k or Fire Pro are two popular ones) and are most often computer vs computer. Usually, the computer decides who will win the match, but there are tricks that the person running the game can do to fix the match to their liking. The other method is written results. Now, most often I see the written results as play-by-play results, but I have seen different varieties of summary matches in play.
Now that we have covered how the results come to you, we should cover how you get to the results.
Random. You’ll most find this in video game feds, but I have seen it in an efed that used a match simulator to come up with random results. Some feds that do this don’t have roleplaying as a requirement, but some have it so that it can determine how far up the card you go.
Angle. In this scenario all of the matches and such are predetermined by the management. Players help come up with segments and work storylines to work their way up the card. Roleplaying here often isn’t required.
Roleplay. This is where the players in the match write their roleplays and the one with the best roleplay wins the match. There are stories, but the course of the story can change depending on the results of the matches that are a part of them.
Now, if you’re going with roleplays, you need to discuss with your folks what kind of roleplay limits you would like. How many words and how many roleplays. Many modern efeds now go with limits as to not burn out the writer. The fed that I co-run, Conquest Wrestling Federation goes with a limit of one or two roleplays depending on the show that you are on with no word limit. Other efeds have a variety of different word limits. It all depends on what you want to write or read at the end of the day.
Now that you have the basics of how your efed is going to present results and how it is going to determine results, you need to be able to display these things.
The simplest is to go to a free forum host and create an account. That gets you in front of your audience with minimal work. There are forums like proboards, invisionfree,and others that work just fine for this.
If you prefer the “just a board” route, there’s also the option to work with the XHF Network at This would enable you to not only be with a forum section and possible pool of recruits, you would be a part of a Network that has Network Level titles as well as your own titles that your players could compete for. This Network has different areas to hang out in and play games that are not of the eWrestling variety in addition to wedding.
You could also go with a site. The sky is the limit as far as having a site as the core of your efed, though WordPress has been a popular choice. If you have the skills to make a site, this is where you can really shine with bells and whistles as far as sites go. A site that uses WordPress as a core would be Conquest Wrestling Federation at
If you don’t have the skills to create a website and want a website, have no fear! Send a message to [email protected] for what you are looking for (and bring some cash) and he’ll outline some options and costs for you.
Now, you could base the efed out of Discord, it can hit all of your talking points though roleplays and shows would need to be done on Google Docs or the like to be able to get by Discord’s short word limit. Though posting to sites like is certainly an option (and has the chance to generate a little bit of income while you are at it, more on that later).
Ok, now you have decided what medium that you want your efed to be on, we should probably discuss the bits that you’re going to need.
This is a place for the management to be able to communicate what’s going on with the fed to the players. Don’t underutilize this! Communication is key for efeds (ok and just about anything) to work. Telling them when cards are up, shows are out, if there’s a delay in results, and just about anything else that needs to come from Management to go out to the players goes here.
This is where you are going to display the characters that are the wrestlers in your roster. It can be broken up into singles, tag teams, and stables if you like, but this is where players and staff are going to go to a lot for information about the characters to use in their roleplays and in the matches that they would write. As management, you would create an “application template” with all of the needed info that would be needed for the character to be portrayed in the efed. Physical stats like height and weight. Physical looks. A smattering of info like commonly used wrestling moves, signatures, and finishers. A bio for representing who the character is. A fine example of an “application template” is here
This is to contain all of the roleplays for the different shows. You could further separate it into Current and Archive so that you can easily take in the roleplays for the current roleplay cycle instead of having to figure out which is new and which is old.
This is where you would display your upcoming cards and show results so that people can see what is to come and what has already happened in the fed.
Be it in a chatroom or a protected place on a forum, you need a place for Management to talk amongst themselves to coordinate shows and discuss the future of the efed. As stated earlier, communication is key.
Now those are the basics, you could also have like an OOC section, a Graphics section, or any number of odd sections that take your fancy for your players to gather to and talk in.
These sections could be on site, on forum, or on discord or even a combination of the three.
Now, you have your efed set up and ready to go. Do you have players? You should have probably had players interested in the efed before you even got into design, but that’s really neither here nor there. There are a number of different places you can reach out for players. There are a few Facebook groups that you can go to, one of them being “eWrestling United” where you could advertise your efed to new players. You could go to the Reddit with the subs r/efeds, r/efed, and r/efedr to be able to advertise your efed. You could go to the eFed Hub, a Discord Channel at where there are many efeds and opportunities to advertise.
You could also join Four Winds Wrestling to look for members. It’s an interfed network which has different Network Level titles that could be contended for within your efed to bring the attention of the other efeds in the Network to yours. 4WW is at and it’s discord is at
You could also use any other social network that you can think of in order to advertise your efed. I think there’s a lot of them out there so good luck!
So now you have everything that you need to create an efed and strike for success! Gather a team of staffers, gather as many players as your staff and you can comfortably write for. IN the end? Have fun!
Here are some resources that prove useful that I have found in eWrestling and more.
Cheap Hosting
Different AI Resources
Name Generator
Graphics Resources (not all free)
Sound Effects
Background Remover
Text Colorizer (for bbcode using forums like proboards)
Proboard Stuff
Youtube Downloaders
Gif Maker
Free Fonts
Image Hosts
Podcasters for Spotify
eWrestling Social Media
Press Release