I am Iron Wolf

in eWrestling United24 days ago

Las Vegas, Nevada at the CWF Headquarters. Armand von Krauss sits in his office, looking at the upcoming cards for the next few shows on his computer. The door is kicked in and Gabriel Tuck lets himself into the room. Armand looks up from his work, unamused at the intrusion.

Gabriel Tuck - So, you’re proud of me? I defy you and join up with your enemies and you are proud of me?

Armand von Krauss - Yes.

Gabriel Tuck - Why did I have to hear of this secondhand?

Armand von Krauss - You joined my enemies, as you said. I didn’t think we were on speaking terms. Besides, I didn’t want to coddle you before my people took you down.

Gabriel Tuck - You didn’t want to coddle me? You mean that you didn’t want to show an ounce of human emotion towards the son that you forcibly adopted when my parents were killed by your monsters!

Armand just shrugs and lights up an Egyptian cigarette.

Armand von Krauss - You say potato, I say orange.

Gabriel Tuck - That’s not how the saying goes!

Armand von Krauss - Well, it should be.

Gabriel Tuck - You know I’m going to help Rob Riot destroy you once and for all?

Armand von Krauss - Is Rob Riot ready to go to the Labyrinth? Is he ready to take over the Krimson Kharnival? Does he think that his soul can take the innocent sacrifices needed to keep the world safe from destruction?

Gabriel Tuck slams his fists down on the desk.

Gabriel Tuck - None of that is real! You do these things because you are a monster and these souls give you some kind of power. The Kharnival is not needed!

Armand von Krauss motions with the lit cigarette for Gabriel to sit down, which he does.

Armand von Krauss - Once upon a time, I felt like that. Esmeralda and I felt like that. We took over the Kharnival from the previous owners and tried to cease operations. We had nothing against killing people, but innocent people? We were assaulted by monsters that slipped out of their prison. They were small things, but deadly. The Kharnival was nearly destroyed. The city that played host to us was nearly destroyed. We learned our lesson that day and rebuilt the Kharnival to do what it was meant to. We had to harden out hearts against the cruelty we had to inflict upon the world in order to save it.

Gabriel just shakes his head while Armand flicks ashes into the ashtray that janitorial service made him use.

Gabriel Tuck - Oh, cry me a river. You became monsters. You enjoy the power and long lives that you were granted.

Armand von Krauss - Of course we do. Now, if there is nothing else. You have a title match against Kara Reinhardt coming up for the Elite championship so go get ready for a war.

Gabriel opens his mouth to speak,but nothing comes out right away. Armand blows smoke in his direction with a chuckle.

Armand von Krauss - You don’t have to thank me. You just have to fight with all that you are. Win the title or at least make a good account of yourself.

Gabriel Tuck - Oh, I’ll bring the fight to her. Whatever the stipulation, I’ll be ready for a fight!

Armand von Krauss - Good to hear. You did rather well against Apathy so I expect good things against Kara. Otherwise, you might find yourself fighting against the nKo.

Gabriel just shrugs.

Gabriel Tuck - And you might find yourself with some broken nKo members.

Armand smiles cruelly while flicking ashes into the ashtray.

Armand von Krauss - That’s the spirit. Now,go.Before I have to take you down myself.

Gabriel nods and leaves the room.

A few days later, Gabriel Tuck is in a Las Vegas bar. He sits at the bar while sipping on a local beer. His hand goes to the handle of his heavy revolver when he hears a voice from behind him.

Voice - Interesting to see you in the heart of civilization. You gonna shoot me?

Gabriel spins around on his stool,his hand staying near the gun. He sees Jeremiah Vastrix standing behind him. The right eye glowing blue. Gabriel narrows his eyes as he regards the man.

Gabriel Tuck - What’s the Warhammer Corporate party boy doing at a place like this?

Jeremiah Vastrix - I’m here for the same thing that Rob Riot wants, Gabriel. Actual intel on Armand and Esmeralda von Krauss.

Gabriel Tuck - Heh.

He turns around on his stool back to facing his beer and starts to drink more at it, getting it a bit low. Jeremiah orders two drinks, another beer for Gabriel and a strawberry daiquiri for himself. He seats himself at a stool by Gabriel.

Jeremiah Vastrix - You are the one who has been around the von Krausses the most. You know what makes them tick and in the end,what makes them hurt. We want them out of the CWF.I want in the CWF. It makes the most sense to ally with you in order to facilitate this.

Gabriel Tuck - You want to know how to hurt them enough to get to sell their shares to you. You know if they die, you would have to take over the Kharnival. I don’t think a playboy can run the Krimson Kharnival.

Jeremiah pays the bartender as the drinks arrive and takes a sip from his fufu drink with a smile.

Jeremiah Vastrix - I don’t want them dead. They have a carnival to run that I also don’t think I could run. They have shares in a big time wrestling company that I do think that I could help run.

Gabriel Tuck - I tell you what. You get Rob Riot to agree to join you and I will tell you all that I know. I mean,I have spent nearly my entire life with them so I know a thing or two.

Jeremiah Vastrix - Great! I’ll just have a few words with Riot and get this whole thing straightened out.

The two drink in silence until Jeremiah finishes his drink and heads out. Gabriel gets out his smartphone and turns on FaceTwatter Live.

Gabriel Tuck - Looks like I’m being bribed to not spill my guts, Kara. I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth as I have been looking to get another crack at you since we fought at the six person tag team match last season. This time it’s for the title with no rules,or plenty of rules. I have no idea how you want to play it and that is exciting.

Don’t think that I’m going to take it easy on you. I want that title and I think I’m going to take it from you. I don’t think it’s going to be easy. I’m sure that you’ll pick stipulations that will help you win the match,but I don’t care. My whole life has been a struggle for survival.Why should going for the CWF Elite championship be any different?

I have heard skuttlebutt that you weren’t human anymore. That you had done something to make yourself superhuman in strength and durability. The Kharnival people were always mad at me because I didn’t transform into something superhuman. The talents thought I was going to be a freak and the freaks thought I was perfectly normal. Only the clowns had my back. Guess that’s why I lead a gang of motorcycle gang of clowns. I am beyond normal, but I am no freak. I am a brave warrior that knows no weakness. I am the Iron Wolf and I will see you in the ring.