Season One saw the CWF begin in South America
Season Two the CWF moved into Central America and Mexico, finishing up in Mexico City
Season Three began the conquest of the United States and Canada going through the West and finishing in Las Vegas.
Season Four promises to go through Central United States and Canada, finishing in Chicago.
Abigail Dresden begins her reign as CWF Conquest champion in Season Four. Who can step up to her as a challenger to try to lay claim to her championship?
Come join in on the action! #jointhe conquest
Conquest Wrestling Federation is a fully written result, roleplay efed that operates on a triweekly schedule in that we have about two weeks to roleplay and about a week for the show to be written.
We have two shows. Vanguard and War Zone with every sixth War Zone being replaced by a ppv experience.
Vanguard is one roleplay limit with no word limits (though you can roleplay as much as you like, we take the best roleplay from your series)
War Zone/PPVs are a two roleplay limit with no word limits (again, roleplay as much as you like and we will take the best two roleplays)
We have three singles titles and one tag team title.
The Valor championship.
This title is competed for under “pure rules” as in the rules are strictly enforced and the title will change hands on a disqualification. If you successfully defend the title five times in a row, you vacate the championship and get a title shot at whatever title you like.
The Elite Championship
It’s essentially the hardcore title. The Wheel of Despair is spun for Elite Division matches though the champion can have a say in what match they want to defend the title in.
The Conquest championship
The top title of the land. People from all around the world come to try to win this title.
The Tag Team championship
This is the tag team championship, compete for by pairs of wrestlers in a hotly conteste tag team division.
As we enter into Season Four, wrestlers are dividing up into stables, prompting Tribal Warfare as war between them begins. Who will wind upon top at the end?
So how do you join this fine organization? Well,you would go to the top of this page an hit the Forum button to go to the Forum. You would register an account an go copy/paste the application template to fill out and post a new thread in the Roster section. Let me pull that all up for ya in case you don’t want to scroll up!
The Forum
The Discord
The Application Template
CWF Contract Application
User Info
Name: Name Here – Screen name is absolutely fine.
Contact Info: (preferred contact via PM here is fine)
What are three things you look for in a Fed? We will use this info to try and improve user experience for everyone.
What is your favourite part of this strange hobby we share?
Tell us something about yourself:
Wrestler Info
Name: Name
Nickname: Nickname
Height: 0’0″
Weight: 000lbs
Gender: Character Gender
Pronouns: Preferred Pronoun
Age: 00
Billed From: Hometown
Wrestling Style: Brawler | Catch As Can Technical | High Flyer | Etc.
Disposition: Heel | Face | Tweener
Entrance Music: “title” by Artist
Give as much detail as you like. It will be copied/pasted into the show for the most part unless otherwise needs to be edited.;
Please include Character background, history and motivation.
Primary Finisher(s): Name
Description: Info
Secondary Finisher(s): Name
Description: Info
Name – Description
Name – Description
Name – Description
Name – Description
Name – Description
Common Moves – (10 minimum please)
Description: (Please include information on tattoo’s, scars, visible birthmarks.)
In Ring Attire: (Custom ring gear can be created, you can include pictures if your gear is inspired by someone else’s look)
Out Of Ring Attire: (You can include any design idea for Custom Tee’s/Merch)
Pic Base/Poser: Get your character description to our Season Four Graphics Guru in the form of Eddie Williams and he will get you an Avatar for match graphics set up for you.
Manager (Optional)
Name: Name
Gender: Character Gender
Pronouns: Preferred Pronoun
Height: 0’0″
Weight: 000lbs
Age: 00
Billed From: Hometown
Entrance Music: “title” by Artist
Please include Character’s background, history, and motivation.
Description: (Please include information on tattoo’s, scars, visible birthmarks.)
In Ring Attire: (Custom ring gear can be created, you can include pictures if your gear is inspired by someone else’s look)
Out Of Ring Attire: (You can include any design idea for Custom Tee’s/Merch)
Pic Base/Poser: Get your character description to our Season Four Graphics Guru in the form of Eddie Williams and he will get you an Avatar for match graphics set up for you.