At a local hospital is where we find “Zolothach” Tabitha Osborne. No, she’s not a patient, she’s walking through the hallways on her way to the Children’s Ward. It is here she plans on signing a few pictures and sharing different stories with the children to cheer them up for their trials and tribulations to come.
She walks through to where she would meet with many of the children of the ward all at once when she hears crying from one of the rooms. She peers into the room to see a mother at the bedside of a little girl. She cries over the still form of the girl for she has passed and the staff have left her alone with the child to be able to say goodbye.
Tabitha walks into the room, setting her photos down on a counter when she walks into the room. The mother looks up from her crying and sees Tabitha.
Mother - Oh,it’s you. I heard that Zolothach was coming today to cheer up the children, but not my Miranda. She’s gone and I didn’t get the chance to say goodbye! I closed my eyes for just a little bit, I was so tired, and she passed away while I was sleeping! What do I do with myself?
Tabitha walks over and grabs the mother by the hand and holds it tight.
Tabitha Osborne - Tell me now. Would the chance to say goodbye to Miranda help you?
Mother - Yes! More than anything, but how would you -
Tabitha Osborne - What’s your name?
Mother - Irene?
Tabitha nods and looks around the room, spotting a full length mirror attached to the bathroom door.
Tabitha Osborne - I will only be a few minutes. Stay here, Irene, and stall them.
Irene - Ok? What will you do?
Tabitha releases Irene’s hand and walks over to the mirror, she whispers a few words under her breath and looks with spiritual eyes. She spots a glowing trail in the spirit world. A trail where once was a silver thread. She speaks a word of power and the mirror begins to shimmer a sickly green light.
Tabitha Osborne - I will return, Irene. Have faith in Cthulhu.
Irene blinks in confusion as she watches Tabitha walk through into the mirror, vanishing from sight. The mirror goes from glowing a sickly green to being back to normal.
Irene - Have faith in Cthulhu?
Tabitha Osborne steps out of the mirror and into the hospital room, but it’s not the same. A sickly green filters through everything as she walks through the room. Now you would think that a hospital would have a sterile spirit world attached to it, but a rot has settled into the hospital.
The walls are splattered with filth and blood. Tracks are all over the floor and in the corners, mold and mildew rule the day. Spirits roam the halls, moving out of the way when Tabitha walks through. Ghosts of patients long past.
Tabitha Osborne - Miranda? Miranda, dear, can you hear me?
The eyes of the spirits press upon Tabitha as she walks. They are lost, trapped within the walls of the hospital. They look upon her with a hatred, envious of the life she possesses. As she walks through the hallways of the children’s ward, the darkness seems to gather upon her. She feels the air being sucked from her lungs. She whispers a few words of power and her body blazes with life, shredding the darkness in her wake.
She peers into a room that seems unnaturally dark and sees a being tied into a chair. It appears to be a skeleton wrapped in old black robes. A scythe leans against the wall and the being is tied to a chair. Children dance around the being as if it was the best funhouse ever. One child tearfully sits in a corner, looking to the being in a chair. She does happen to look a lot like Irene.
Tabitha Osborne - Miranda?
The little girl’s eyes widen in recognition. Tabitha looks to the being in the chair and the children tormenting it.
Tabitha Osborne - What is going on here?
One of the children, dressed like a child from the early 1920’s steps up to Tabitha. He grins maliciously.
Boy - We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.
Tabitha Osborne - Don’t be quoting Eagles at me, they’re after your time anyway. Why is this reaper imprisoned? He’s supposed to lead you on.
Boy - We don’t want to go on. We’re having fun here.
Tabitha raises an eyebrow and motions to the other spirits in the room. The ones that seem hopelessly lost.
Tabitha Osborne - And them? Are they having fun too?
The boy looks at the spirits that are wandering the hallways and hanging helplessly in the room with them. He sneers.
Boy - It doesn’t matter what they want. It matters what I want. And I? I don’t want to go beyond. What if I go to the bad place?
Tabitha Osborne - Why would you go to the bad place? Have you done bad things?
The boy looks down at his feet, almost as if guilty for a moment, and then looks Tabitha square in the eye with a laugh.
Boy - It doesn’t matter since I won’t be going anywhere while this creep is tied up!
He goes back to dancing round the reaper with the others when Tabitha raises a hand, the tips of her index and middle finger of her right hand are glowing. She slashes the fingers through the air.
Tabitha Osborne - Ferrum spectris!
An arc of energy goes through the air, freeing the reaper from its bindings. The children begin running and screaming as the reaper grabs the ringleader. He kicks and yells, trying to get away until the reaper grabs the scythe.Then,he goes silent. It walks toward Tabitha and nods.
Tabitha Osborne - I need to get Miranda to her mother so she can say goodbye. She can go after that.
The reaper gets close to Tabitha until she can feel its fetid breath upon her. Slowly, but surely the reaper nods and walks from the room. Tabitha holds out her hand and Miranda comes running to take it.
Miranda - We’re going to see mommy?
Tabitha smiles down at her, she’s recently passed and not corrupted by despair.
Tabitha Osborne - Yes, Miranda. One last time and then you’ll hae to go with the nice reaper.
Miranda - No! He’s scary! Will he take me to the bad place?
Tabitha squats down by Miranda.
Tabitha Osborne - I know he looks scary, but he’s really not. He will take you to where your family has gone before you where they are waiting. He takes you so you don’t have to go alone.
Miranda - Oh! I get to see Nana and Papa again?
Tabitha Osborne - Yes. Now, when we go back to your mother, ignore the others.They will get their turn to go on to their reward in turn.
Miranda - Okay.
A few minutes later, Tabitha steps out of the mirror again. Irene looks at her with hope, but looks sad as she does not see Miranda.
Irene - I don’t understand…
Tabitha Osborne - She’s a spirit. You won’t see her without the ability to do so. However-
Irene’s eyes go wide as she feels herself being hugged by a little body.
Irene - Miranda?
Tabitha Osborne - She’s with you now so anything you have to say, now is the time to do it.
Irene - Miranda! I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. I love you. Nana and papa will be waiting for you in Heaven, you know.
Tabitha Osborne - She says that she loves you too and that she can’t wait to see nana and papa.
Irene - I wish you could stay, but I know you have to go. Goodbye, Miranda. Tell nana and papa that I love them for me.
Tabitha Osborne - Miranda, he has come back for you. He doesn’t want you to become sad so it is time to go.
Irene - He? Who is taking my daughter?
Tabitha Osborne - A friend.
Irene - Goodbye, Miranda.Thank you, miss.
Tabitha Osborne - Zolothach. You are welcome.
The scene fades and comes back to a hotel room in Las Vegas where Tabitha Osborne is sitting on the bed. She sets up her phone to FaceTwatter Live and waits for it to start.
Tabitha Osborne - Morgan Decker, I will address you since your goons really don’t matter in this. You think that your goons will distract us and do the bulk of the work for you so that you can steal Kat’s title. That’s not going to happen. That cannot happen. Kat Hale, Tetsuo Oni IV, and I will come in and kick your asses and send you packing from the CWF.
You understand me? This will be your last match in Conquest Wrestling. For all of you. I swear by Cthulhu that this will be done.