Shadows of the Past

in eWrestling United2 months ago

We begin in a tent outside of Las Vegas where the Krimson Kharnival has set up camp. It’s the room where you will find the resting quarters of Hehehe and Hehehe. Two small reinforced cots sit on opposite sides of the tent with Hehehe and Hahaha standing in the middle of the tent. Alyssa Lucchi walks into the tent with a microphone and a cameraman.

Alyssa Lucchi - And we are here with the Twins to have an interview on their upcoming match with eNVy.

Hehehe - That lady is crazy.

Hahaha - She thinks we are from a different planet or dimension.

Alyssa Lucchi - She as in Vespertine? She did say that you suck the souls from innocent people.

Hehehe - A lie! We never sucked anything!

Hahaha - Now, that’s not true, Hehehe.

Alyssa Lucchi - So you do suck souls?

Hehehe and Hahaha exchange a confused look and then laugh, a horrible wet sound.

Hehehe - We suck milkshakes -

Hahaha - Not souls.

Alyssa Lucchi - Then, where do the souls come from?

Hehehe - Souls?

Hahaha - From people?

Alyssa Lucchi - No, I mean yes. From people. The Kharnival gets souls from people it is said. How do they do that exactly?

Hehehe and Hahaha look at each other again and shrug.

Hehehe - We don’t know -

Hahaha - Anything about that.

Hehehe - We just entertain -

Hahaha - The people that come.

Alyssa Lucchi looks irritated, but doesn’t say anything right away.

Alyssa Lucchi - Alright then. Now,I have seen Donzig in years past inflict life-ending wounds on both of you. And yet, you are still here standing. How does that work?

Hehehe - How do we not die?

Hahaha - We also don’t age.

Hehehe - Ain’t that grand?

Hahaha - We don’t think so.

Hehehe - We really want just -

Hahaha - To see mom and dad again.

Alyssa Lucchi - And how did this come to be?

Hehehe - We began in a simple house.

Hahaha - We don’t know where.

Hehehe - We begin our story in a small house that was connected to a forge. Our mother kept the house while our father kept the forge. We were abe to make a decent living and kept out of town so that they didn’t have to smell the smoke that always came from the forge. One day our father died in an accident and mother couldn’t stay unmarried for she was not allowed to make an income for herself.

Hahaha - She married a man named Jericho, who converted the forge into a laboratory for he was of the spellcasting kind and made a living selling items that he created. We were fine for a time, but he became abusive to mother.

Hehehe - We begged her to stand up for herself since he was hurting her so. When that failed, we stood up to him. He attacked us and forced our mom to stand up for herself at last and ask for a divorce. That’s when he revealed that he was the one to murder father so that he could marry her. When she attacked him in a rage, he killed her with his magic.

Hahaha - We attacked him. We wanted him dead for what he did to our family! We were unable to even harm him! He used his magic on us and we lay on the floor. We were dying. We said that at the very least we would be able to see mom and dad once again.

Hehehe - He said that we would never see them for we would never die and enchanted us. We have died time and time again, but we always get back up. It’s an unending cycle.

Hahaha - Since we are stupid, we couldn’t do anything for work. We joined a circus that abused us, but what else were we to do? We did this for years as a side show until Esmeralda von Krauss found us.

Hehehe - She saved us from the circus. We are still not much more than a sideshow, but we are not abused anymore. Except for when Donzig was around. He was the devil.

Hahaha - So, we don’t know where we are from or even when we are from, but we don’t suck souls.

The twins then stand in front of Alyssa, having finished their story.

Alyssa Lucchi - That is some story. What do you intend to do about Karlie Nash and Vespertine?

Hehehe - We are going to thrash them!

Hahaha - We are going to crush them!

Hehehe - We are not pro wrestlers, but-

Hahaha - We can fight. We used to fight a lot.

Hehehe - Especially when helping Gabriel Tuck when he was little.

Hahaha - He was always getting into trouble with the talent.

Alyssa Lucchi - How do you feel about Gabriel Tuck turning against Armand?

Hehehe - He needed to.

Hahaha - He’s all grown up now.

Alyssa Lucchi - I guess that makes sense. Well, good luck with the match!

Hehehe - Thank you.

Hahaha - But we don’t need it.

Hehehe - You should wish them luck.

Hahaha - Cause we gonna crush em!

Alyssa Lucchi - Well, there you have it. The Twins say that they are going to crush eNVy.