Sea Swallow Everything

in Freewriters3 years ago

When we walk on a beach and particularly during a high tide we often see a lot of dust on the sea shore, it's nothing but what we through in the sea it comes back to us. It's quite a natural process as thing doesn't dissolve and it lies on the surface for some time and it floats back to us with the help of the tide.


So far I have mentioned about the waste which goes to sea, however many times we face the situation where we want to discuss our problems and we are looking out for someone with whom we can share and person calmly listen to what we are saying, in this process even if that person doesn't respond still we feel better because by virtue of saying everything which is there in our mind we feel bit relaxed and light that it releases a burden which we had previously.

I have observed many times that people sitting lonely on a sea shore and looking at tides and at the same time thinking as well, I feel it's a good way to relax as you have a very wide audience to listen to your problem and in return it doesn't say anything and you get a good listener who calmly listens to your issue, we don't acknowledge but the fact is indirectly we are releasing our stress.

Sometimes we don't need a solution from someone, we just need calmness to express our views and you never know we might find a solution to our problem just by reiterating what's going on in our minds.


Thank you for this. Its a beautiful piece.