Dear one

in Freewriters2 years ago

Here you are perfect and awkward and nervous and ready and not ready. You will not get it right. You will come to learn there isn't a "right," no single path; the possibilities are endless. Pay attention to the things that make you feel alive. Pay attention to the things that make you feel like yourself. Pay attention to the people who make you feel like you can show up as yourself.

Begin before you are ready. You can trust your gut. Allow yourself to be shocked. Allow yourself to be amazed. Allow yourself to go for it. Allow yourself to take a pause when necessary. Have confidence in your own convictions. It's okay to not know what you're doing (none of us really know what we're doing, seriously. Seriously). You will wing it and you will try and you will learn and you will figure some things out. Remember that this is supposed to be fun.

Don't worry about doing it perfectly. Don't worry about society's definition of success. Don't worry about failing and starting over-failure also comes bearing gifts. Don't be afraid to be bold. Don't settle for settling. Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously. Don't worry about checking off the boxes. Don't concern yourself with being impressive; instead, concern yourself with what you're curious about. Don't rush. Don't hesitate to go towards what sets your heart on fire.

There will be love and there will be heartache. It is okay to be alone. It is okay to leave when it is good and when you know you need more. It is okay to work hard for something you believe in. Stop pursuing relationships with people who don't see you fully as you. Stop pursuing relationships that constantly make you feel like crap. Just give him back the Johnny Cash CD and run.

Tell people what you actually think and feel; ask for what you want, and what you need. You are inviting people to hear from your truest self, and they in return can respond more fully, and share themselves with you. No one is a mind reader. We need to help each other.

This too shall pass. Ask for help - you do not have to do this alone. Offer yourself an ocean of gentleness. You are doing the hard, beautiful thing that is surviving a life.

You will not get some of the things you want. Some will be for the best and some will hurt. Considering that life turning out differently than you thought it would mean that it is better than you were able to imagine for yourself.

It will all happen in the fullness of time. Home is inside you. Dear One. There's more. Of everything. Including you.