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RE: Two || Three || Four

in Freewriters3 years ago

Hi Galen,

I hope you're well. So you decided to unfold Eléonore's story once more! I'm very pleased. Your writing is simply brilliant.

I am left with the impression that, if there's a man that can truly show a girl what love means, it's your character. True love, I mean; respectful, honest, kind, and filled with admiration. Would be interesting to know his name.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Even more, if this were to become a book, a lifetime's worth of stories, I would most certainly want to read it.

Thank you for sharing this, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Be well.


I did, and am glad of it.

This couple, they seem pretty special and I like how their story unfolds when I sit at my computer; it just flows nicely. I like exploring their story and sharing a little here. I might write another sometime.

I think the world has gone off the rails as far as relationships go. Men have forgotten what it takes to be a man, I mean what it truly takes, but then, we live in a world where chivalry, courtesy and respect are not well-regarded. When did being a gentleman become a bad thing?

We live in a world where people connect on an app and take what they want with no essence involved. Where take is more prevalent than give and hubris and ego rule the day, greed and selfishness. So...Yeah, I'm not like that and it comes through in my writing. No, I'm very far from perfect, I don't mean to indicate I'm better than anyone else, I just hold to my core values despite them being generally out of fashion.

Thanks for your reply and kind words. I'll do another installment, but...I need to come up with a name for this bumbling fool who has fallen in love with the lovely Eléonore.

When did being a gentleman become a bad thing?

I really don't know but I wish the world could go back to simpler times. Still, time flows in just one direction, forward, as you've said on many occasions.

I just hold to my core values despite them being generally out of fashion.

That's commendable and I'm sure those close to you hold that in high regard!

Bumbling fool sounds like a cool name. I can already picture the wedding invitations of these two:

The bumbling fool and the chuckling nutbag request the honor of your presence...

That's commendable and I'm sure those close to you hold that in high regard!

I'd like to think people appreciate me and how I treat them, although I am certain that some don't, or haven't. I've had to, umm, be somewhat strenuous in my actions at times in the past. The recipients probably weren't so happy, but they all deserved it.

Now I want a bumbling fool and chuckling nutbag wedding invitation! You have the best ideas!