Get Off The People Who Demotivate You.

in Freewriters4 years ago

Hi, Freewriters Community Members,

Its a good morning to all of you. We are living a life with full of complexity and hard feelings.It has become so common nowadays to hear that,few people in our society have achieved something that is more than extraordinary and leading a dignified life.Got a decent job with handy dollars, launched a business with profitable income etc etc.

Then we try to look at ourselves and see that, our living conditions arent good enough with respect to the successful and highlighted few of the community and this incapacity to secure a life full of riches and fame, the feelings not to get there always give pain to us, and we cant resist this to happen in our life.
I think,its normal to feel that inside your mind as the world follows the manner each and every day. We have to understand that, we just cant achieve success in low efforts or the sauce of success can't be achieved overnight. It takes a lot of passion, dedication, hard work,discipline and doing your work every single day.


And thats the only way to get yourself to the last limit of pain and once you reach there, you would see that success is just a doorstep away from you, but you have to find how to be more punctual in your approach.
I am asking you to calculate your hidden spirit, how much can you take,the pain of failure and heartbreak because thats the part of every work you do for your life.

All through my life,I have witnessed that the person who works most patiently,put aside what people around you demotivating, and becoming a burden to your work and progress.But,guys they are just a mere spectators in your life. Once you achieve something bigger than what they think that you achieve, then they will support you, because they always behave in the same way.
Huh, they are the friends of Good Times.

If you only know that they are just a spectator,sleeping partner or motionless bullier, then you are on the right track.Even, there are also people who would try to support you,but hey,beware of these people,because they are fake and all are Actors.Dont get into their way.

Sometimes they will make use of you,lift you up,and when their necessity will finish they will leave you and tear you down,that has been happening in all times.
So,my suggestion is to you that,dont waste your time in making relations with them, they are just scoundrel and waste products, you need to try to live by your own and fight alone, because thats the way it should go.You are constructing your road to success each and every day with your strenous effort.
Go,and win your life.All the best wishes to you 💖
Image Credit To Dreamstime

Thanks For reading.


Friends Of Good Times

I see a lot of them around, they disguise when they see what's in it for them, and once they've accomplished their mission or you've been broken down, they leave.

There's not much to expect from a world as cruel as this one, it's a race of every man for himself, so what's advisable all time is to chase after what you want until you get it.

Posted via

Thanks Malopie.What you said is right.I am very frustrated with the way, stemGeeks community is behaving with me. I havent made any plagiarism content in their community, but they have blacklisted me without any reason.How can I express that, I am creating my content with my own words,,, But every time spaminator shit is downvoting me.. Its way disgusting.