Virginia es una niña que ha pasado su infancia rodeada de muchos niños. Cada vez que llegaba un adulto a la casa se emocionaba muchísimo, pero no se atrevía a acercase a ellos por miedo que le hicieran daño.
Virginia is a girl who has spent her childhood surrounded by many children. Every time an adult came to the house, he would get very excited, but he did not dare to approach them for fear that they would hurt him.
Le encanta jugar en el patio, haciendo casitas de barro. Los otros niños muy poco se acercaban a ella, por lo que generalmente estaba sola. Ellos decían que era rara porque se la pasaba sucia y despeinada.
He loves to play in the yard, making mud houses. The other children rarely got close to her, so she was usually alone. They said that she was strange because she was dirty and disheveled.
En las noches, lloraba en silencio hasta quedarse dormida. Por las mañanas, al momento de desayunar, se sentaba al frente de la casa, mientras observaba a las mariposas revolotear en las flores.
At night, she silently cried herself to sleep. In the mornings, at breakfast time, he would sit in front of the house, while he watched the butterflies flutter on the flowers.
Un día en la casa estaban muy contentos porque varios adultos irían a visitar a los niños. Llevaron muchos regalos, dulces, juguetes y una torta con chispitas de colores.
One day at home they were very happy because several adults were going to visit the children. They brought many gifts, sweets, toys and a cake with colored sprinkles.
La música y las risas de los niños se escuchaban por doquier. Usaban la ropa y el calzado que le habían regalado. Pero Virginia se quedó sentada en un rinconcito, observando a los niños como jugaban y disfrutaban.
Music and children's laughter could be heard everywhere. They wore the clothes and shoes they had given him. But Virginia remained seated in a little corner, watching the children as they played and enjoyed themselves.
Uno de los adultos tomó el micrófono y dijo: “Hoy es un día muy especial, estamos festejando que el Señor y la Señora Vidal adoptarán a Virginia. A partir de hoy tendrás una familia y un hogar”.
One of the adults took the microphone and said: “Today is a very special day, we are celebrating that Mr. and Mrs. Vidal will adopt Virginia. From today you will have a family and a home”.
Virginia no lo podía creer. ¡Toda la celebración era por ella!. Ya había perdido las esperanzas porque la mayoría de los niños que estaban cuando ella ingresó al orfanato ya los habían adoptado.
Virginia couldn't believe it. The whole celebration was for her! She had already given up hope because most of the children that were there when she entered the orphanage had already adopted them.
Su rostro de sorpresa y a la vez de alegría, era inexplicable. Los demás niños gritaban de alegría, mientras que Virginia lloraba de felicidad.
His face of surprise and at the same time of joy, was inexplicable. The other children screamed with joy, while Virginia cried with happiness.
Ya tenía 8 años y por fin tendría la familia que tanto soñó. Sus padres habían fallecido cuando tenía 5 añitos y ya casi no los recordaba.
He was already 8 years old and he would finally have the family he dreamed of so much. His parents had passed away when he was 5 years old and he hardly remembered them anymore.

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Those foods look delicious, this fear in children is not something strange, they learn to create their own protection strategies, and unlike adults, children recognize danger faster.
That's how it is. Because of their ingenuity they can detect many things. However, the influence of your environment can make your self-esteem unstable.