I would never have thought of egg poacher for this prompt 😄. I'm really wondering what's going on with this pantry chef, to disrupt such a harmonious scene. Things were going so well! I have a feeling this character might wake me in the middle of the night to tell me about it...maybe they need to get something off their chest. Will have to keep my phone nearby to take notes...
I await your vision! I gave 6 characters with nebulous characteristics, and one event that everyone who dines out fears. I didn't tell y'all much else. We are not getting a whole lot of attention on this one. Maybe one has to have worked the line in a restaurant to even be able to envision the scene.
Funny though, I told the most about that pantry chef. Did you ever work the line in a restaurant?
Someone else poached eggs too. Wandrnrose I think, or maybe wakeupkitty.
I fixed the link above to the story that started the whole thing . Here it is again