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RE: "Time to Get Up" - and warm up! Day 1845: 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters2 years ago

Not the stalks, not the cobs, not the ears - just kernels! Bushels and bushels of golden corn, burning in the basement stove. Yeah, I know, what a waste. Corn was down to a dollar or two a bushel at the time.

It was a special corn-burning stove, as I recall. Or not a wood-only stove, that is.

Yes, some of the bins swelled with all the molding grain and split apart at the seams. I like to say "exploded" but it wasn't quite that dramatic. Just splitting at the seams, with grain spilling out.

I'm biting my tongue, so as not to publicly ridicule my dad, the one who called me "You idiot" from infancy, but did more idiotic things in his adult years than I had done... oh the list of colossal mistakes! Like that time he bought silver, the real metal, and buried it, and now even with a metal detector we cannot find it.... some stuff is just too painful, too set-your-teeth-on-edge stupid, to write about.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


I should do a new freewrite about these things! Or just a post, for homesteading.


Corn Burning Stoves. A fairly recent innovation that is slowly growing in popularity is the use of corn as fuel to heat houses. Although the principle is similar to log burners using corn as an energy source does require a different type of stove. Some stoves are designed to burn different forms of pelleted fuel.
Corn stoves, as well as wood pellet stoves, can keep an even temperature, unlike traditional wood stoves that fluctuate. You can fill the hopper, set the temperature, light the fire and pretty much forget about it for 24 hours. Wood requires much more maintenance throughout the day to keep the fire going.

Runs 24/7 ....? Only if my mom kept feeding it, way back when:

Shelled corn is readily available at a store near you (usually a feed and seed type store). Customers have reported heating up to 2,000 square feet with the model 2100 Freestanding Corn Stove. Room air is continuously filtered and re-heated so that comfortable heat builds up more and more as the corn burning stove runs 24/7!
