
It's a Netflix original, so I doubt it'll be on prime. We have a lifetime membership to Netflix through our T-Mobile plan, that's why we have it. Wouldn't pay for it otherwise. Lol.

Lots of good stuff on Prime though! Have you watched The Man in the High Tower?

No, that doesn't sound familiar. I have a few movies and series on my list but most of them are on the list for 3 or 4 months now.

It's a cool period fiction that talks about a timeline in which the Axis powers prevailed in WWII. Some heavy hitting actors in it too! Might need to add it to that list of yours. The Terminal List is next on mine, now that I've finished The Expanse.

Sounds interesting... I will check if I can find it on Prime. I watched a few Expanse episodes but it wasn't for me. As I said, I don't watch that often and it has to be good or funny.

Oh man, the Expanse is so good. First several episodes are just setting the scene, it's the rest of the series that makes it worth watching. Understandable if it isn't for you, though. Different strokes for different folks, they say.