Tradingview is very useful for technical analysis and predicting the trend or price of any cryptocurrency asset**. Tools and indicators can be applied on the chart interface of tradingview to predict future prices and trend of any cryptocurrency asset. Tools such as line tool is a great way to marking out the support areas so as to have a clear view of where the market is going. When it comes to predicting market trends and prices of cryptocurrency asset using tradingview, indicators are very beneficial.
Indicators such as moving average and MACD are very good example of powerful indicators that can help predict the direction of the market. For instance, on the AAVE/USDT chart, when the price is above the moving average, it can be a great indication that the market is in an uptrend. Also, the MACD can also be used alongside with the moving average to identify the trend direction. When the MACD is above the zero level, it can be a strong uptrend signal. On the chart, we can see that the MACD is above the zero level.
Tradingview has proven to be a very valuable and beneficial platform for traders and technical analysis when it comes to making the best trading decisions. Tradingview as a platform is basically a charting platform with great and amazing tools mostly used for technical analysis. It is used to track prices of different supported assets like various cryptocurrency assets with tools that allow traders to forecast future prices of any cryptocurrency asset. Packed with a lot of quality tools and indicators, when used correctly, traders can make use of the tradingview to predict the market, identify the best entry and exit points so as to make the most profit.