in Freewriterslast year


I met Olabisi a few days after our meeting to give her the list of the numbers I took off of Tade's phone. She had earlier told me that Evans had agreed to do the job of getting the addresses for a sum of two hundred thousand which I immediately withdrew and gave to her to give him.

She promised to arrange a meeting among us that is, Evans and the other guys that would actually do the job I wanted.

Olabisi remained true to her word and arranged a meeting between Evans, myself, and the boys we earlier agreed on to deal with Tade's girlfriends. We met at a bar about a week later, with Olabisi presiding over the meeting. We were six in all. After we had all ordered drinks on my account, of course, we proceeded to put finishing touches to the plan.

Evans was the first to speak, he sets down his foaming glass of beer and takes out a list from the laptop bag he had earlier set on the table. He clears his throat and rubs his palms together.

"I have been able to get the address of the phone numbers in the list my baby gave me." He turns his head sideways indicating Olabisi.
The latter fumes and bangs the table,

"Who is your baby? Don't get me angry today, Evans. Please don't. What sort of nonsense is that?"
She looks at him scornfully and appraises his dressing consisting of a round neck tee-shirt that had seen better days, and shorts in the same condition. His footwear appears to be on the brink of tearing itself apart. His hair was no better as it was left uncombed and tangled.

I couldn't help but wonder what he does with all the money he makes. I decided it wasn't my business as long as he gives me what I want. I faced Olabisi and told her to ignore him for my sake.

She hisses and asks him for the list "So, where is it?"

She stretches her hand towards him for it.

He smiles sweetly at her and gently hands over the list he took out to her. He makes to kiss her hand, but she dares him to do it by raising her left hand in the threat of slapping him.

He withdraws back to his seat and smiles at her, "No need to be hostile. We would conclude our personal discussion later where there would be only the two of us." He winks at her and she ignores him this time upon finally realizing that he is merely taunting her for fun. "Now to the main issue."

He points at the list in Olabisi's hand and continues. "I have gotten the addresses and names you wanted for you. Not only did I check the address of each of the individuals that registered the numbers, I also confirmed their current residences." He smiles proudly at himself and looks around the table to see if we were impressed.

Satisfied with what he saw, he downs his beer in one gulp, picks up his bag and stands up from his seat. "I guess this concludes our business deal. I would take my leave now and urge you to contact me if you need anything more anytime."

I thanked him and sent him on his way since Olabisi has refused to reply him and he seems to be waiting for a reply. "Thank you very much, Evans. I appreciate all you have done. I promise to not only contact you for future dealings but refer you to other clients."

I smile at him and stand to give him a handshake.

He blows Olabisi a kiss before walking out of the bar leaving the rest of us staring after him.
Olabisi shifts her gaze away from him and focuses on me and the other silent occupants at the table.
"Now, that's done. How do you want us to proceed? Do you want to take a look at the list?" She asks me unfolding the piece of paper in her hand.

I looked confusingly at her and the rest of the men at the table. They looked unconcerned and continued with their drinks as if they were not part of the conversation.

"Proceed how, Olabisi? I told you what I want. Just have them do it that way. I don't want to see the list. All I care about seeing is the result and the evidence of how it happened."

I waved my hand to further stress my lack of interest in seeing the list.

Olabisi unfolds the list Evans gave her and quickly scans it before handing it over to the biggest guy at the table.He collects the list and takes his time to look through it before giving it to the other guy beside him, who folds it and tucks it away in his pocket. He clears his throat and is about to speak when I interrupted him.

"Sorry please, what's your name? In case I want to ask you a question."
He smiles wickedly and responds. "We don't use names, madam. Your friend knows that."

Olabisi nods in agreement. "Yes, it's true. Address him anyhow you like. We don't have to know their names. I have known that a long time ago."

Still not convinced I asked again.

"How would you know I am talking to you specifically at this table? There are three of you and I wouldn't know how to indicate I am talking to you."

He smiles again and looks at his two colleagues who smile back at him.
"That's not a problem at all, I am the only one you are going to be communicating with among the three of us. If you have any questions, ask and I would answer.

"I asked him another question again.
"But, you know our names and we don't know yours. How does that work?"

A thin smile breaks across his lips,

"The reason why we can know your names and you can't know ours is because, we can trace you even without your names, but even if we gave you ours, you still won't know how to look for us except we want to be found. Either way, we can get to you regardless of knowing your names or not. We don't just tell you our names because it's a rule with us."
Something about the way he made the veiled threat casually sent a chill down my spines and I concluded I was done with the questions.

Olabisi pinched me under the table warning me with her eyes to stop with the questions. I slowly nodded my understanding and she took charge.

"Sorry for the interruptions please, you see that list I gave you? There are four names and addresses on it." She pauses to take a quick sip of her drink and continues. We want you to deal with each of those girls in a way and manner they would never forget. They are making life unbearable for my friend, and we have had enough of it."

She swallows and looks up to the face of the guy I now believed to be the leader of the gang for a response.

He looks at his colleagues and they all nod at each other.

"That's not a problem at all. Do you have specifications or customized punishments we should give them or you want us to handle everything ourselves?"This time, I did not wait for Olabisi to talk before I jumped in.

"You see, how you do it is at your discretion. All I want is for them to never forget their encounters with you. And please, make sure you tell them to stay away from other women's husbands. I want serious defamation of the girls in question. No death at all and video evidence of how the punishment is administered. That's all."

I dust my hands, looking at him for a response.

"That's a very simple thing to do, how soon do you want us to start?"
I immediately replied eagerly. "As soon as possible. How long is it going to take?"

"It's only going to take four days. One day would be dedicated to each of them after we have carried out our surveillance in a few days. You would receive a call after each of the girls has been dealt with, and you would come to this very same bar to pick up a flash drive containing the details you want to see. In about seven days from now, we should be done."

Olabisi and I exchange smiles as she addresses him.

"That's beautiful. What next then? Who would you be giving the flash drive to in here? And hope it would be safe from prying eyes."

"Don't worry madam. The flash drive would be given to you by the bartender once you get here. Let me also assure you that no one is going to look at what's on the flash drive apart from you. We have been doing this for a long time now and nothing has ever gone wrong."

Olabisi looks at me and nods.

"That's good to hear then. Shall we talk about the payment now?"
"The payment method is simple. There are only two rules you have to follow to ensure the job runs smoothly. One, we don't negotiate. Whatever price we give you is fixed. Two, At exactly six in the evening tomorrow, you would get the money in a bag and give it to the bartender. He knows what to do with it."

He looks at us before continuing.

"Any questions?"
We both replied simultaneously

He nodded satisfied.

"Good. The payment is two million naira, we expect you to make the payment tomorrow as you have been told. Pay the money and standby for your videos."

I exchanged glances with Olabisi.
"I understand, I will follow your instructions to the letter. I would come and pay the money tomorrow evening."

He nods and motions to his colleagues to stand up. The remaining two of them stand up and join him on his feet. We exchange handshakes all around, and they departed as gentlemen would.I excitedly face Olabisi and envelope her in a hug.

"I am so grateful, you made this possible. I can't believe it's only going to cost me three million naira to teach those girls a long-overdue lesson. Thank you so much, Olabisi. I would never forget this."

Olabisi returns my hug and squeezes me even tighter.

"What are friends for my dear? It's nothing really. Just get the money ready and pay it tomorrow."

"I sure will. I better go and get my checkbook at home now. I can't withdraw that much at the atm stand. I would just withdraw it in the bank and keep it in the boot of my car till tomorrow."

"Calm down girl. Why not wait till tomorrow before you make the withdrawal?"

"Tomorrow is Friday and there's going to be too many people in the banking halls. You know people would be in a rush to sort out their banking affairs as the bank would not be open on weekends. And you heard the guy, he said I must not be late."

I quickly dig in my bag and drop a few naira notes on the table to cover the drinks, and leave enough tip for the waiter."

She shrugs her shoulders and checks the time.

"You better be on your way then. You know how traffic gets and the banks would close soon."

I stand up quickly and grab my bag. "You want to come with?"

"I am not coming with. I would just stay here, finish my drink, and head home. We would see tomorrow."

We quickly exchange brief hugs and I leave her there rushing to where I parked my car.

I hurriedly drive home and park my car outside. I had just gotten my checkbook, and I was on my way out when I got accosted by our gateman, Funsho. He greeted me respectfully and I nodded in reply to his greetings.

"Yes, Funsho. What do you want? I am in a hurry as you can see,"

I tell him impatiently.

"I don't want anything madam. I just have a message to deliver."

"Yes, what is it? Can you get on with it and be done?"

"Okay, ma. Your sister came here today."

I scrunched up my face thoughtfully wondering what he's saying as I don't have any sister. I am the only child of my parents, and I know Funsho can be unintentionally stupid atimes.

"My sister? I don't have a sister and you know that."

"It's your sister."

He insisted stubbornly. I was getting impatient by now and I barked at him for emphasis.

"I said I do not have a sister. Don't you get it?"

"l am sorry madam, but it's Efya, your sister. She was here today."

I hissed very loudly and sigh in frustration. "Efya is not my sister, she's my....."

I was about to explain our family tree to him when I realized it would take too much time and he wouldn't get it.

"Never mind that, What did Efya want?"

He smiles triumphantly probably thinking he has won the argument and he was right all along.

"She said she has to see you. She said it's very important, and that you should call her immediately."

I hissed and stamped my feet in frustration.

"Is that all?"

I looked at my watch, checking to see how much time I had wasted talking to him.

"I would call her as soon as I can. I am going out again. Lock the gate behind me, and don't stray away from your duty post."

I leave him standing there, and I walk out of the gate, my mind occupied with the task at hand, forgetting that Efya wanted to talk to me immediately. I had revenge on my mind and it can be consuming.I got to the bank and made the withdrawal of exactly two million naira glitch-free.

I was a well-known customer and Tade's parents had a lot of pull in this city and country. I was a valued customer. I walked out of the bank carrying the bag filled with the Nigerian currency in one thousand naira notes.

I pop open the boot and drop the almost heavy bag in it. I nodded happily and got into the car to drive home.