The story of our terrible yesterday, It's not a movie that can be shown again and again in the cinema. The scene of the lamentation of laughter and weeping is not a song you can listen to again and again. Mistakes and mistakes are not just a pencil on paper, which you use an eraser.
We cannot deny the truth, like butterflies landing uncontrollably on your favorite flower. At the same time, tears welled up in your eyes, and the flow of blood in the broken heart was released. Our past love, is not in the cinema shows, in the song you're listening to, or even in the paper you're trying to erase. The only thing that can tell our sad history, is a thousand words contained in the piece of the picture. Most cherished image, next to sleep, kissed while saying your name. And I seem to be whispering to the whole universe., "Honey, why did you leave me?
I tried to hide it and tried not to stare. I threw it away several times and tried not to return it. But the memory of our laughter, the tenderness of our sweet talks. The story of our love trapped in the square painted paper. I was forced to turn around, my heart and mind, personality, and even soul. Even lifeless paper seconds preserved a time. Our image cannot be surpassed or equaled by the stories of past generations. Rhythms and rhythms in the beat of our hearts that once fell in love, I want to apply to the song you like to listen to.
The colors that painted the meager things that once stood against time. It can't be erased, destroyed, or looked at by others because the image that has become is there inside. It will continue to be preserved, hidden, and preserved, Here in the shade of my heart you once became a refuge.
Thank you