When I need some spice in my life, speaking of having some taste on my tongue, feeling a nice high that is bitter, I sure turn to ginger tea. Although I'm a fanatic about how I do it, because I like to start ginger sprouts in my own home. It's a bit difficult for me but over time I've gotten the hang of it. Everything is based on getting a piece that is fresh and placing it in a place that is slightly humid, if possible with a cloth briefly splashed with water. This makes it easier for the ginger roots to come out, when they start to come out I put it in the ground and if I'm lucky in about a week the sprout appears.
Already having the plant grown, I usually take its leaves and of course part of its roots. The process is simple: I cut the ginger into 1/4 cm pieces, crush it with a mortar and pestle, and place it in a glass container with water. There I add 2 tablespoons of honey to the preparation, and if I want to taste something a little stronger, I add 1 or 2 tablespoons of rum or brandy. Then I put that to boil over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Once that time has passed, I let it cool to room temperature.
I pack it in a glass bottle or container and if I have natural chamomile I add it. I close it tightly and put it in the fridge. After 2 days it is ready to consume.
The flavor it offers is spicy and pleasant, the smell is incomparable, and it is an ideal drink to take after meals, or in the afternoon. It relaxes me a lot.
And I hope you are encouraged to try this recipe, I am very good at all these preparations and infusions and I like them very much.
This is my writing for today's 5 minutes of freewrite.
!gif ginger spout
Via Tenor