"El Ultimo Vino"| "The Last Wine" - 3

in Freewriters5 months ago



Mientras, afuera, estaba Adrián y Cesar estaban afuera compartiendo, sentados en las sillas, tomaban un poco del vino que había sobrado, y disfrutaban del frio, Adrián le gustaba el vino, aunque no quería admitir que le caía mal, su hermano le dice que no era un buen bebedor, él no lo admitía, no era bueno eso de la humildad.

-Ya era hora de que el frio llegara a la cuidad, cada año el frio retrocede, decía Cesar, sentándose con un vaso muy lleno de sangría buen fría, mientras la daba otro vaso igual a su hermano.
-Si, el calor de hace días era horrible. Ni se podía salir de la casa.
-Hermanito, -decía Cesar a pesar de ser menor que Adrián-, te luciste hoy, no es lo tuyo de estar hablando en público.
-Fue una idea de Bruna, Yo no quería, pero hice lo que quiso en mis términos. Si ella quería que se dijeran palabras, ¿Por qué no lo hizo ella?
-Bruna será muy intensa y todo lo que digas, pero, la prefiero a ella que, a su hermano, mira que ese Pietro se las trae, antes era respetuoso, ahora ya ni se avergüenza, ¿Viste cómo le caía a Andrea?
-¡Sí!, afortunadamente ella sabe cómo sacudírselo, y de no ser por Miguel le hubiese caído a Carmen. Créeme, el tipo es detestable (escupe).

César toma un sorbo. -No te vayas a pasar de bebida, mira que te pones borracho y yo no puedo llevarte, tendré que llamar a tu mujer.

Adrián lo mira, con antipatía por lo ridícula de su amenaza.

-ya son 10 años hermano, cuanto tiempo ha pasado, y eso que tuvieron su relación desde chicos en la secundaria, y después en la universidad. ¿Qué coincidencia que se encontraran de nuevo en uni? Cesar lo decía con tono de escepticismo, pues es loco pensar que se encontrarían en la misma universidad y en la misma carrera.
-fue una coincidencia reencontrarnos, después de las novias que tuve fue un alivio sentir que con Bruna era lo debía ser.

Cesar se sorprender al escuchar a su hermano hablar de su periodo en la universidad, jamás se le había contado de su vida allí, ¡-Eso! Tuviste novia, ya hablaste (mueve las manos) echa el cuento completo.
-Bueno, no fue algo de mayor trascendencia, chicas que conocí, pero paso, ahora somos amigos y mantenemos contacto por redes sociales.
-como se llamaban?
-una se llamaba María, nombre simple y otra Olga.
Cesar ve a su hermano, lo ve con una profundidad particular, no se sabe si fue porque le prestaba atención o si era por la bebida, en fin, esto a Adrián le incomoda, lo mira y Cesar le dice.

-Recuerdo haberte visto hacia el final de la secundaria dos veces con una chica… Vivian?

Si solo nombre desencadeno una serie de recuerdos y sensaciones en Adrián, que de no ser por el alcohol estaría nervioso, afortunadamente en la oscuridad y por la embriaguez de Cesar, no se notaba la inquietud de Adrián.


Vota y comparte tu voto me ayuda muchísimo y muchas gracias por leer mi historia. Chao



Meanwhile, outside, Adrián and Cesar were outside sharing, sitting in the chairs, they drank some of the wine that was left over, and enjoyed the cold, Adrián liked the wine, although he didn't want to admit that he didn't like it, his brother tells him He wasn't a good drinker, he didn't admit it, humility wasn't good.

-It was time for the cold to come to the city, every year the cold recedes, said Cesar, sitting down with a very full glass of good cold sangria, while he gave another glass just like it to his brother.
-Yes, the heat days ago was horrible. You couldn't even leave the house.
"Little brother," Cesar said despite being younger than Adrián, "you shined today, speaking in public is not your thing."
-It was Bruna's idea, I didn't want to, but I did what he wanted on my terms. If she wanted words to be said, why didn't she do it?
-Bruna will be very intense and everything you say, but, I prefer her to her brother, look how that Pietro has it, before he was respectful, now he's not even ashamed anymore, did you see how Andrea liked him? ?
-Yes! Fortunately, she knows how to shake it off, and if it weren't for Miguel, it would have fallen on Carmen. Believe me, the guy is obnoxious (spits).

Caesar takes a sip. -Don't drink too much, he looks like you're drunk and I can't take you, I'll have to call your wife.

Adrián looks at him, with distaste for the ridiculousness of his threat.

-It's been 10 years brother, how long has it been, and they had their relationship since they were kids in high school, and then in college. What a coincidence that they met again at uni? Cesar said it with a tone of skepticism, because it is crazy to think that they would meet at the same university and in the same career.
-It was a coincidence to meet again, after the girlfriends I had it was a relief to feel that with Bruna it was what it should be.

Cesar will be surprised to hear his brother talk about his time at the university; she had never been told about his life there. -That's it! You had a girlfriend, you already talked (moves hands) tell the whole story.
-Well, it wasn't something of major importance, girls I met, but it happened, now we are friends and we keep in touch through social networks.
-What were their names?
-One was called María, a simple name, and the other was Olga.
Cesar sees his brother, he sees it with a particular depth, it is not known if it was because he was paying attention to her or if it was because of the drink, anyway, this makes Adrián uncomfortable, he looks at him and Cesar tells him.

-I remember seeing you towards the end of high school twice with a girl... Vivian?

If only the name triggered a series of memories and sensations in Adrián, who if it weren't for the alcohol would be nervous, fortunately in the darkness and because of Cesar's drunkenness, Adrián's restlessness was not noticeable.


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