"El Ultimo Vino"|"The Last Wine" -2

in Freewriters7 months ago

Cesar y Adrian


Ya habiendo comido y bebido mucho a petición de Bruna, Adrián dijo unas palabras como brindis, alza su copa y todos extrañados toman silencio y lo miran “Amigos, saben que soy de pocas palabras, (suspira) Gracias todos por venir. ¡Salud por eso!”

Adrián siente una fuerte palmada en la espalda, “Tu siempre tan elocuente cuñado”, le dice Pietro en un modo sarcástico, gesto que no había olvidado de usar en muchos años.

-“al menos lo dije de verdad” le dice Adrián y lo mira fijamente. Pietro se ríe, y lo deja.

Todos celebran y siguen hablando y comiendo. Bruna estaba roja, pues esas no eran las palabras que iba a decir o por lo menos no era lo que Adrián le dijo que hablaría. Pero Carmen y Paula la abrazaron con tal alegría que lo olvido por completo, ya entrada la noche todos se van excepto Paula y Cesar que quisieron ayudarles a recoger.

Paula Y Bruna están en la habitación, Paula ayuda a peinar el cabello de Bruna, Bruna tenía una larga y dorada cabellera, muy abundante. Pudiera ser por el cansancio o por que le gustaba mucho, pero paula peinaba de manera suave el cabello de su cuñada “Adrián estuvo bien con las palabras, no esperaba que dijera algo”

-su bueno, eso no era que iba a decir, como cosa rara cambio de opinión, comenta Bruna,
-Ya son diez años cuñada, como pasa el tiempo, -suspira-
-que sucede Paula, antes de que me dañes el cabello
Al darse cuenta de que se pasaba la peina con más velocidad le dice, “es que les tengo envidia, quisiera tener una relación así, perfecta como la de ustedes.

-¿Y tu novio qué? Dice Bruna en un tono de extrañeza, mientras la ve por el espejo
-Eso no va para bien, mi novio es muy insistente, y honestamente me incomoda eso y no es lo mío.
-Es una lástima- le dice-, estamos lejos, de ser perfectos Paula. En eso la ve a través del espejo con sus ojos grises. Entiendo que tu novio no es lo que quieres de un hombre, pero no esperes a alguien perfecto, o que tu relación sea como la de tu hermano y la mía, para llegar a este punto hemos pasado por muchos momentos difíciles entre nosotros, sabes que tu hermano es difícil de llevar en algunas cosas. Has una relación a tu manera, como tú te sientas comida cuñada.
-¿aja y con que empiezo?
-Con paciencia claro, pero debe hablar mucho de disciplina y saber muy bien que quieres de un hombre.

Paula le sonríe “está bien cuñada, lo pensare”.

Mientras ella misma se va a bañar, piensa [es raro que, para una relación, no haya mencionado que primero me debo estar enamorada de mi novio] mientras permite que el agua recorra su cuerpo [¿será que después de catorce años de una relación hablare así¡?, jajá mi cuñada habla como toda una señora] sigue Paula sin dar mayor importancia, y se dedica a enjabonar delicadamente su cuerpo, pensando en su novio Mauricio y lo lindo que es, lo atlético y fuerte. Ella piensa si debería aceptar esa salida a la playa ese fin de semana a acampar juntos, claro, sabiendo que sería la primera vez de pasar la noche con un hombre a solas. “ya es momento” se dijo, y siguió absorta en su baño especial.


Vota y comparte, tu apoyo me ayuda muchísimo a compartir esta historia, te aseguro que te gustara

bye 😆


Having already eaten and drunk a lot at Bruna's request, Adrián said a few words as a toast, he raises his glass and everyone, surprised, takes silence and looks at him. “Friends, you know that I am of few words, (sighs) Thank you all for coming. Cheers to that!”

Adrián feels a strong pat on the back, “Your always so eloquent brother-in-law,” Pietro tells him in a sarcastic way, a gesture that he had not forgotten to use in many years.

-“At least I really said it,” Adrián tells him and looks at him intently. Pietro laughs, and leaves him.

Everyone celebrates and continues talking and eating. Bruna was red, because those were not the words she was going to say or at least they were not what Adrián told her she would speak. But Carmen and Paula hugged her with such joy that she completely forgot, late at night everyone left except Paula and Cesar who wanted to help them pick up.

Paula and Bruna are in the room, Paula helps comb Bruna's hair, Bruna had long, golden hair, very abundant. It could be because she was tired or because she really liked her, but Paula gently combed her sister-in-law's hair. “Adrián was good with the words, I didn't expect him to say something.”

-Well, that wasn't what she was going to say, strangely she changed her mind, Bruna comments,
"It's been ten years, sister-in-law, how time flies," she sighs.
-What happens Paula, before you damage my hair?
Realizing that she was brushing her hair faster, she tells him, “I'm envious of you, I would like to have a relationship like that, perfect like yours.

-And what about your boyfriend? Bruna says in a strange tone, while she sees her in the mirror.
-That's not going for the best, my boyfriend is very insistent, and honestly that makes me uncomfortable and it's not my thing.
"It's a shame," she tells him, "we are far from being perfect, Paula." At that she sees her through the mirror with her gray eyes. I understand that your boyfriend is not what you want in a man, but don't expect someone perfect, or for your relationship to be like your brother's and mine, to get to this point we have gone through many difficult times with each other, you know that Your brother is difficult to get along with in some things. Have a relationship your way, however you feel like sister-in-law.
-Aha and what do I start with?
-With patience of course, but you must talk a lot about discipline and know very well what you want from a man.

Paula smiles at her, “she's fine, sister-in-law, I'll think about it.”

While she herself goes to bathe, she thinks [it is strange that, for a relationship, she has not mentioned that I must first be in love with my boyfriend] while she allows the water to run over her body [could it be that after fourteen years of a relationship I'll talk like that!? Haha, my sister-in-law talks like a lady] Paula continues without giving it much importance, and she dedicates herself to delicately soaping her body, thinking about her boyfriend Mauricio and how cute he is, how athletic and strong. She thinks about whether she should accept that trip to the beach that weekend to camp together, of course, knowing that it would be the first time spending the night alone with a man. “It's time,” she said to herself, and she continued absorbed in her special bath.

[to be continued]

Vote and share, your support helps me a lot to share this story, I assure you that you will like it

bye 😆

![Cesar and Adrian]