Adrián y Bruna se conocían desde hace años, al inicio de la secundaria, solo hasta hace un año antes, fueron novios, pero duro poco, seis meses, “Mira Adrián, vamos a dejarlo hasta aquí, sigue con lo tuyo y yo con mío” le dijo Bruna; en realidad es que a Bruna le gustaba Adrián, solo que no podía con los comentarios de sus amigas hacia el color de piel de Adrián, que es un tanto moreno, las amigas bromeaban mucho de esto y solo hasta que su mama, le menciona “es algo tostadito el chico”, es que ella decide dejarlo, no podía con la desaprobación de sus padres. No le importaba mucho la opinión de Pietro, “él no tiene criterio, le cae a cualquier mujer” decía su madre. Así que no se molestaba por lo que pensara su hermano de Adrián.
Después de esta ruptura, Bruna siguió enamorada en silencio, y Adrián le atraía Bruna, que era de piel blanca, rubia y de ojos grisáceos, con muslos u senos grandes era muy atractiva para él, pero como la chica no le quería él tampoco insistiría, “hay que tenerse cariño propio” diría su madre. Y no es mal consejo si a ver vamos.
Tras una hora de hablar de varios temas, ellas deciden ir a sus casas, “recuerden que mañana toca ir al liceo” se despiden en las mejillas y Bruna al despedirse de Adrián, le comenta que no se acueste tan tarde, más en casi tono de regaño, Adrián le sigue la corriente para que se vaya de una vez.
Mientras se van las chicas a su casa, Alicia le comenta en tono de curiosidad a Bruna:
-amiga si te sigue gustando Adrián ¿Por qué o dejaste?
-No entenderías, -mientras juega con sus bolsillos, en ese entonces la moda era llevar los pantalones anchos, no quería hablar del tema.
-entonces no le fastidies y deja que otra “le caiga” Bruna voltea la mirada hacia Alicia, como un rayo, sus mejillas antes blancas, ahora están rojas, al igual que su nariz, sus ojos pasaron a un gris oscuro.
-¿Por qué?, ¿estas pendiente con él? Digo, para dejarte el camino libre
-Dios Bruna, era solo por hablar. No me gustan tan altos. ¡Pero viste! Te sigue gustando
De forma casi instantánea, Bruna se pone blanca y sus ojos claros “Ah bueno, yo decía y los dejo, ¡mira! Tranquilos”.
Marina ríe a carcajadas; siguen caminando y hablando de música, chicos, compañeros de clases. Mientras, Bruna no saca las manos de los bolsillos, se había lastimado mano derecha por apretar las llaves, las palabras de Alicia le molestaron a tal punto, pero era buena aguantando el dolor, “todo está bien” se repetía mentalmente.
Mientras los chicos se quedaron hasta tarde, todos estaban un tan preocupados por el nuevo año.
-ya por fin llega el último año, honestamente, no sé qué hare, mi papa me dice que me vaya al interior y trabaje allá y aprenda el oficio, y honestamente creo que será lo mejor, -dice Noel. – no me dan los puntos para una universidad y lo mejor es que terminado me vaya a la costa.
-mi papa me dijo que este año viene mucha gente de afuera, por la inversión extranjera-comenta Adrián- ¡Que algo nuevo venga! – dijo que viendo a hacia las residencias donde vive Bruna. Le gustaba Bruna, pero quería otra cosa, otra experiencia.
Así estuvieron hablando hasta tarde y jugando, ya empezaba su último año, y después de eso, sabían que cada uno, se separaría estaban algo tristes por eso, Adrián estaba ansioso, hasta quería irse del país si tocara.
Vota y comparte , tu apoyo me ayuda mucho. Gracias 😜
Adrián and Bruna had known each other for years, at the beginning of high school, only a year before, they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but it didn't last long, six months, “Look Adrian, let's leave it here, go on with your thing and I'll go on with mine” Bruna told him; the truth is that Bruna liked Adrian, but she couldn't stand her friends' comments about Adrian's skin color, which is a bit dark, her friends joked a lot about this and it wasn't until her mom mentioned “the boy is a bit tanned” that she decided to leave him, she couldn't stand her parents' disapproval. She didn't care much about Pietro's opinion, "he has no criteria, he falls for any woman" said her mother. So she didn't bother about what her brother thought of Adrian.
After this breakup, Bruna continued to be silently in love, and Adrian was attracted to Bruna, who was white-skinned, blonde and had greyish eyes, with big thighs and breasts, she was very attractive to him, but since the girl didn't love him, he wouldn't insist either, "you have to have self-love" would say her mother. And it's not bad advice, really.
After an hour of talking about various topics, they decide to go home, "remember that tomorrow is high school," they say goodbye on the cheek and Bruna, when saying goodbye to Adrian, tells him not to go to bed so late, almost in a scolding tone, Adrian plays along so that she leaves once and for all.
As the girls head home, Alicia tells Bruna in a curious tone:
-friend, if you still like Adrian, why did you leave him?
-You wouldn't understand, -while playing with her pockets, back then the fashion was to wear baggy pants, she didn't want to talk about the subject.
-then don't bother him and let someone else "fall for him" Bruna turns her gaze towards Alicia, like a flash, her cheeks that were white before, are now red, as is her nose, her eyes turned a dark gray.
-Why? Are you hanging out with him? I mean, to clear the way for you
-God Bruna, it was just to talk. I don't like them that tall. But you see! You still like him
Almost instantly, Bruna turns white and her eyes clear "Oh well, I said and I leave them, look! Calm down."
Marina laughs out loud; they continue walking and talking about music, boys, classmates. Meanwhile, Bruna doesn't take her hands out of her pockets, she had hurt her right hand by tightening the keys, Alicia's words bothered her to such an extent, but she was good at enduring the pain, "everything is fine" she repeated to herself mentally.
While the kids stayed up late, everyone was so worried about the new year.
-final year is finally here, honestly, I don't know what I'll do, my dad tells me to go to the interior and work there and learn the trade, and honestly I think it will be the best, - says Noel. - they don't give me the points for a university and the best thing is that when I finish I go to the coast.
-my dad told me that this year a lot of people are coming from outside, because of foreign investment- comments Adrian- Let something new come! - he said looking towards the residences where Bruna lives. He liked Bruna, but he wanted something else, another experience.
They were talking like that until late and playing, their last year was already starting, and after that, they knew that each one would separate, they were somewhat sad about that, Adrian was anxious, he even wanted to leave the country if it was his turn.
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