I took this picture today in the afternoon. Notice something strange in the clouds? Why does it look like parts of the clouds have stitches or maybe have little waves going through them?
You can actually see a difference in the clouds, like a patch of it looks stitched up and the surrounding area looks normal. Well it is the abnormal that I want to concentrate on.
So what are they doing? What is causing that waviness in the clouds? Is it some HAARP like antenna or antennas causing that?
Are the people doing this, the same people that spray the sky with nano metals? Some call it chemtrails, but I would rather call them metal trails.
Of course spraying nano metal on the people, land and animals is not a good thing. It is toxic, but then they, the dark forces always want to spray metal on us, also to inject metal into us calling it vaccinations. But that metal is causing kids to get Autism. There are always people that lie and are paid to lie to keep the shots going, yet the kids still get Autism.
That is why you might watch a video of some doctor saying their is not evidence of children getting Autism from vaccines, then you see other video of people that just had their kids get the shots and they now have Autism where before they did not have Autism.
So who do you believe? I would rather believe the parents of the children of Autism, than a doctor, who might have been paid off to lie. Then you have to look at the parents, would they have reason to lie, did someone pay them off? I would rather check the monies coming into the accounts of the doctor.
Of course the spraying of metal into our sky is to control the weather, but to who's benefit? I don't think the benefit is for the people, but against the people.
Why did California have so much drought? If them that spray metal trails on us wanted us to have rain, then we should have gotten rain all those years of drought. But what if all those years they sprayed the sky, they wanted California to recieved drought, then their metal trails worked, for the dark forces wanted drought, as the dark forces always want to go against the people and for the dark forces.
So looking at this weird cloud formation, what plans do the dark forces have for us?
Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, with Jesus speaking, And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Luke 10:18.
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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.
They are called Undulatus clouds
Thank you @wedacoalition!
Thank you @cuddlekitten!