A middle-aged man stepped onto an express elevator for the tallest skyscraper in the city and pressed the button for "roof." The other passengers noticed that he was holding a large gold coin in his hand which he flipped up in the air occasionally and caught again rather clumsily. Eventually, he dropped the coin at about the 26'th floor and it was plain to all that it was a Nobel Prize award. The man step on it and gave it a couple of twists under the sole of his shoe before picking it up again. All alone on the top of this building, the man looked down to see cars that looked like tiny toys and people like ants moving to and fro. Taking a last look at his prize the man flung it off the building as far as he possibly could and walked away satisfied.
A young student from the local University who had just failed his first biology exam was walking along the sidewalk below whistling a tune that he had just heard via the Bluetooth connection to his phone. The fellow was shockingly struck right on the top of the head by the heavy coin which buried itself all the way to the hypothalamus. His college professors were not surprised at all to find out that the last thing on the lad's mind was receiving a Nobel Prize.