Ah ... Hive and its original content rule ... that is a challenge ... if you copy even your own work from another place, it is a challenge ... and, alas, but I happen to know that the folks with the rules have alerted those who moderate Freewriters that their not bothering is being watched and will be acted upon.
But remember: think like an investor. The wisest course of action may be to develop original content for Hive, but remember, you don't have to start from scratch ... you can take some older ideas, reconsider them, update them, and have something fresh to present in Leofinance. Or, everyone in Freewriters is supposed to be responding to the prompt ... so, how can you take your ideas and work the prompt in every day and STAY HERE by writing your subject around the prompt? That's an idea, too.
That's not just an idea but a wonderful one, and I'll do my best to do as you suggested. Thanks for your suggestion it really means a lot to me
You're very welcome ... I wish you well.
I wish you the best too