Possibly rounding errors ... you can go on https://hive-now.com/ to check if you are on the cusp (put on /@owasco at the end of that address if you don't come right up). I am on the cusp right now and some platforms round me up, and some don't...
The other thing: downvoting by people with higher reputations can knock you back a few hundredths of a point.
Thanks. I don't think I have received any downvotes for a long time, so it isn't that. Will go to that site and see what it says.
That says my reputation is 25.
Try it this way: https://hive-now.com/@owasco
I did
OK ... that just says under latest posts, Reputation GREATER THAN 25... look over on the upper-left-hand side for your name...
Oh! I see it now. Thanks!!