
in Freewriters11 months ago


Quote Resistencia;es una poesia que nacio en 2020 cuando la pandemia nos demostro todo lo cruel que puede ser el ser humano,pero tambien ,todo lo bueno que tambien podemos ser,incluso sin conocernos entre si.Esta serà grabada como cancion en mi proxima produccion musical como cantautor con mi agrupacion ELKIN CAMACHO ORCHESTRA..Disfrutenla y compartanla..Gracias..

![Screen Shot 2022-11-29 at 7.18.02 PM.png]



ENDURANCE- Poetry Bold

Resistance is a poetry that was born in 2020 when the pandemic showed us how cruel human beings can be, but also how good we can also be, even without knowing each other. This will be recorded as a song in my next production. musical as a singer-songwriter with my group ELKIN CAMACHO ORCHESTRA..Enjoy it and share it..Thank you..