We lay together facing the sky for what felt like forever. Just you and me. Everyone else in the world seemed to have faded from our consciousness as I slowly slid my fingertips along your arm, tickling you slightly in a loving caress.
We didn't have any words right now even though we had spoken thousands upon thousands previously. We had known that the situation would change one day and so it did. We made it happen. We made it change. We wanted it enough so we wouldn't let anything stand in our way.
I watched the clouds tumbling over one another in a loving frenzy and then cascade and dissolve in the sky, it made me smile as it reminded me of our own topling over we'd just done minutes ago and we lay together now, drifting distantly in mind but close knit by heart.
We had dreamed and spoken of these days for so long...we had dreamed up elaborate days filled with all kinds of activities and on the contrary the simple ones filled with nothing but love and togetherness. Closeness. One-ness. Smiles and coffee. Toasted sandwiches and orange juice. We wouldn't need much if we had each other.
I had never conveyed how much I actually needed you, how much I appreciated you, how much you were admired and loved. Perhaps it was just too painful to put it into words at the time. Now there was no need for it as all the yearning lay in ruins behind us and we were here, now, my head resting on you as we looked up at the sky. The same sky we had gazed at before and discussed as if we were always under the same sky and stars, yet so very far apart. Why did the separation have to be so long? Did it even matter now? All that mattered really was the here, now - this very moment as I looked over at you and saw your smile that still held steady on your face, even though you were musing far away, you looked at me as if you instinctively knew what I was thinking.
"Round 2?"
The smile on my face turning to a naughty grin before I sprang to action.
"You'll have to catch me first"
And when you did, I fell into full laughter as you held me close and kissed me.
The image belongs to me
Beautiful, full of passion and tenderness, what a wonderful way to begin the year. Have a magical 2023 dear @emma-h xxxxxx
Thank you @trucklife-family I have a tender side that comes through in my writing sometimes and it's always nice when people can identify with it. I hope your year has started off well and that it only gets better. Sending you a New Year hug 🦋
Details conveniently left out here, huh?
Why of course, some things need to be left to the imagination 😁
Well, poo! That's no fun.
It's a lovely image you create with words, images that create emotion...it's a nice feeling to tumble into words, images and emotions like this.
Becca 💗
Thanks Becca, I'm glad you liked it. I love dreaming like this and trying to put those feelings into words. Sometimes I get it right and it's conveyed like it happens in my mind.
I have dreams like this too, when I wake up in the morning, or afternoon depending on when I'm sleeping, I feel...well, I think you know.
Becca 💗