Have I learnt anything? Have I found something to learn? Have I taught anything? Have I made a difference? Has it made me different?
Now, these are quite difficult questions. It's not an easy task to reflect on something with which one may be not always in full agreement and has different emotions/notions and daily moods to be considered.
It also depends on the time being already spent. I have come "here" more than four years ago. It seems to be longer, though. This "here" has changed a lot in the meanwhile, ... and then, it has not changed a bit.
What has changed is the environments in which I interact, the people I am in touch with. Almost everybody with whom I used to talk, is either gone or we have separated through other reasons. That teaches me that things are fleeting and that nothing is certain. With people I thought I will stay in touch, the opposite happened. That is nobodies fault, though it leaves me questioning the quality of such encounters and also it makes me aware that I might tend to neglect what one calls my physical reality. A big but (!): I may not know yet, what the meaning and interactions provide me with and vice versa. So I like to be caring about the encounters I have and make them not too many.
This sphere gives me as much joy as it gives me headaches. On some days I feel refreshed, on others I feel it's all useless and without any meaning whatsoever.
I cannot answer the question, if "it" (Hive) has made me different or if it has made others different in a pointed way. I try neither to overestimate its effect nor underestimate it. I judge it by the feeling of how well or miserable I feel when I leave this space for the rest of the day, for example.
I can say that it has become a daily habit, a morning routine to answer comments, make comments and publish what I find worthwhile to express.
Since a while, I am more inclined to extend my activities to a more collaborational form. Writing and publishing in single mode is something, I have done extensively and I would like to do more in a teamed-up manner instead of following the good old path of my blog activities.
I trust that I have made a difference, though I don't know it. I think the first is more important than the second.
What I am convinced of, though, is that every uttered word, every sentence, every publication sums up to what one might call "media influence in total". It is therefore of importance what notion I hand down to a world full of people of which I do not know how they perceive what I say. Their interpretation may be something which I wouldn't have wished for in the first place and I think, it's always good to keep that in mind when I open up to an unknown sphere. To find a balance between my trusting confidence and my skeptic mind.
Thanks for the questions and I am fine being disqualified, for not having made it into a blog post. I decided spontaneously to do it this way.
You are not disqualified. Your writing and your musings are an expression of your superior intellectual interaction with philosophy. Thank you so much for your entry, I’m so honored that you bothered. Much 💕
💕 Thank you, I appreciate your fondness towards the philosophical thoughts.