
in Freewriters2 months ago

Mom.... How much sense there is in this WORLD! Mom.... Shhh.... Do you hear...? Do you FEEL... how much TENDERNESS, KINDNESS, CARE, WARMTH, ATTENTION is in this WORD?

Mom means cooking, darning holes in pants, cleaning the house, creating comfort, waiting for her husband, going to school with her child, cooking hot fluffy pies, excellent borscht, and so on... much, much more.

(My mom)
SHE IS ALWAYS there for you and ALWAYS TEACHES YOU: no matter how old you are! FOR HER, you WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A CHILD! Even if you're over 50!

Mom, it happens that YOUR CHILDREN don't listen to you, and sometimes they do it to hurt you, intentionally, going against you, trying to hurt you! But YOU put up with all THIS because YOU LOVE them - YOUR CHILDREN! And you ALWAYS hope that over the years they will come to their senses and become smarter.

Mom! Mommy, MY DEAR! You always told me that when I have children of my OWN, ONLY THEN WILL I BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND YOU! How right you were!

Over they ears, we become smarter and gain more life experience.

Mom! I've always wanted to tell you HOW much I love you! But something didn't work out! I waited for the right moment, and then I got lost in the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes forgetting about you.

You "left" quietly when NONE of US were with you! IT'S VERY PAINFUL TO REALIZE! Your father "left" two years before that... Your children left and LEFT YOU ALL ALONE.

Mom, I'm a lousy son, I couldn't take care of you! FORGIVE me, MY DEAR! I know I'M to BLAME for YOU!

You know, I often think of you and cry so much that sometimes my chin shakes, I feel a huge lump in my heart and SUCH pain in my soul arises at the same time, just INCREDIBLE!

You haven't been with me for 11 long years! I will never forget your CARE, KINDNESS, and WARMTH!


Friends who want to share their similar story – write, do not hesitate!

Say what YOU would like to say to THEM, to YOURSELF,what YOU FEEL,but you still haven'tsaid – the most important WORDS in this life, as a memory for THEM!

Let millions of people know about it!

And all of US who are reading THIS will support YOU in THIS! Really?

©Copyright: Vladimir Yevtushenko 3, 2024

Certificate of Publication No. 224072701058. (27.07.2024)

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