This year isn't that bad as it looks like. Many things happened, lost some friends to death, few to thier fantasies while many to depression but in all, life has been good to us although our problems seems way more than our share.
This year taught the boys alot both in the streets of uncertainties and in the midst of reality so the boys have learnt to do what they can and leave what they can't.
We stopped playing with the drugs we can't afford and toil with the ones that's fair to us. We lavish under pressure and duck what's meant for tomorrow because no matter the philosophy we've leanrt that although tomorrow isn't promised and assured yet we'll have to keep the things and people that we need.
Talking about keeping the people we need. Fate may have a role in bringing certain people into our lives yet it's always within our attitude and lifestyle to keep the people we need close so the boys will have to learn how not to impress but to suppress these feelings of emptiness whenver solitude strikes in and understand that the art of solitude is the new man's best friend.
These words are just some thoughts running through my thought so please learn sink in what sits well with your soul and fiddle the rest for mare words. Gracias!