Hello Everyone!
This is my input for the No Thinker
The village, situated in the heart of the slowly conturing hills, had one definite boy named Milo. Milo had an infection for being in a search and insightful manner with a very creative sense of humour. However, there was strange thing about him, he was always like other villagers, to be still and profound. Milo spent many hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe; though, he did not stay and search for answers like the universe, instead, he just observes and move on.
With the coming time, Milo’s reputation did grow, along with the rumors surrounding him. The local people couldn't figure out how he lived, let alone socialized, being oblivious to the ways of thinking. Some made fun of him and even called him a 'crazy genius.' Another used the terms 'an idiot' and 'insane to describe him.
Rather than be disheartened by their hesitations, Milo amassed a lot of responsibility and God did all his bidding. He had joy in seemingly plain things: the shrubbery porch squeaky and the kids laughs and the Sun warmth on his skin. While all your head is clogged with memories of the day that went by, apprehensions of the ones to come or a parade of thoughts, Milo is in the moment.
There came a fateful day when the village faced a deep gray death. There was a need for extraordinary measures that had to be implemented employing original ideas and profound thinking. Until the deadly disease was eradicated, inhabitants got scared day after day with no difference made to remedy it.
At the very reason of the turmoil Milo experienced, his eyes glitters brightly. Without a hitch of a second, he offered a thoughtful and creative, but at the same time, directly meeting the key issue, solution of the problem.The villagers were stunned. Can somebody who didn't delve into profound reasoning be a source of such progressive epiphany, even?
Not skipping a beat, Milo was now the "No Thinker," winning an eminent researcher spot for his oblique vision. Then the village was thriving because of Milo's intelligent suggestions, they understood that they should not hesitate when they need an urge to think, but rather, they should enjoy simplicity and intuition.
I hope everyone liked it. share your feedback in the comment section below.
Wish to see images generated from that story