A New Material, a five minute freewrite

in Freewriters7 days ago

He hadn't set out to create a new material.

Klick never really set out to do anything if he could help it.

It was a mistake and it cost him his life, but how was he to know that the building he snuck into (after levering open a window with a particularly inadequate lock, was a laboratory?

And even if he had known would that have stopped him?

No. Klick would have assumed (rightly) that there was plenty of equipment he could steal and sell on at a profit.

Would he have been more careful?

Probably not. Klick rarely took care when breaking and entering. He thought it best to move fast, get in, and get out as soon as possible. If that meant breaking stuff, knocking over stuff, wreaking stuff, on the way then so be it. On this particular night (a moonless cloudy sky with very little light) he was feeling more reckless than usual, helped - no doubt - by the two pints of relatively strong beer he had managed to get his mate Joop to pay for.


Screenshot 2025-03-17 14.20.11.png


Felt.buzz that's good. You are the best

You made me remember yesterday I saw the series about Chicago firefighters and when one of them tried to save someone, the building fell on him, that usually happens, what a picture.