"It's not to scale," he said, his voice quivering with what I assumed was fear.
"I should fucking hope not!" I said, letting my hand sweep across the table, knocking the small houses onto the floor. "Not good enough, Welk! You need to do better, or I will find better!"
He fell to the floor and began picking up the pieces. I kicked him and he tumbled.
"Leave it! And, get out of my sight!" He clambered to his feet and slinked off.
"You were a little harsh with him," Mander said.
"A little harsh? You mean I should have been more harsh?"
Mander sniggered. "It was a bit crap," he said.
"No shit," I said. "My dead dog could have done better," I said.
Mander sniggered again. "What shall we do now?"