Pockets of my Mind; KINDNESS

in Freewriters3 years ago

From today's pockets of my mind table. We would be trying to see the simplicity of kindness.
KINDNESS, is basically an element we as humans need at every point of our existence. I won't be wrong if i present kindness as a basis of existence for we humans, to be honest humans exist only to "Interact" (the meaning of to interact here is verse but just had to keep it to that word so we can focus on the main point). But we need only to be kind through interacting in different phases, kindness is needed.
But kindness can not be bought, can only be built by practicing it on a daily basis just at every point of interacting and even to yourself, from holding of door for a person, to nice smile and compliment to strangers and gifting, being kind can be practiced till it becomes a habit and then it becomes a personality. Don't you always imagine a world where everyone was kind?, it can start from you by training your mindset to practice kindness every day no matter how little it may be in any form.

Note, kindness isn't kindness when you expect something or a compliment in return.
Simply kindness is an act of good will void of qualification, sentiment, expectation and purpose
source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.canstockphoto.com%2Fkindness-mind-map-concept-for-93871057.html&psig=AOvVaw1yRxX_Q9Kg0qkr7-RbNTAI&ust=1651151357670000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCNjR7qeotPcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAN

Well i still dream of a world where everyone is kind and i believe with articles like this and others telling the world how to practice it, if spread to them can eventually be a dream come true.
GOD BLESS NIGERIA proudly a Nigerian