Island Paradies?

in Freewriters3 years ago

Day One

Mike hands me my bag and determinedly walks towards a trail.

Ally is standing there, waiting for me. I can see that she's exciting. I'm willing to bet that I'm her new best friend. Joy.

"Hey you made it! Glad you made the right decision. So! Hope you got some good shoes on as we need to hike in that trail for a ways to get to the destination. Once there I will show you your new accomodations. Any questions?


"Oh...Well, ok then, let's go."

I really hope it's not going to be a chatty walk.It's hot, humid and buggy, I want to be as determined as this Mike guy to get out of here.

**10 minutes later **


Picture from

Hurray! A stream! I'm sweating like no ones business in all the wrong areas. "Can we stop? I want to get some water on my face."

After wanting to drown my face in the much needed cold fresh water and drying off, it came to me that the trail is not marked and there are many pathways intersecting the main one. I wonder where it a goes.

"Those paths are not for us. I suggest to stay off them."

Ok, missy. Her tone of voice made me cringe. I don't like rules, and watch me give a shit, hear me roll my eyes lady.

Another 10 minutes later

"Ready? I promise, you're gonna love what you see. Just at the edge, peak through the plants to get a view. Then we will start the hike down off to the right."

I move forward and peak through the biggest ferns ever. Holy Crap! Now this I could live for. Small huts, ziplines, a large pond and beautiful big trees. There's so much happening here yet it's not crowded, people look a bit like hippies though. I hate to disappoint but I am not the kind to enjoy that fashion sense.

"Let's get to it. Like what you see?"

I nodded, hiding away my excitement. Don't want to give off too much, I prefer people not knowing much about me.

We make our way down, a bit steep and rocky. I follow Ally into this little village, making our way past a makeshift stage, a larger hut, a few smaller ones, walk to the right of the pond where there are more huts and turns out we stop at the last one.

"This one is yours if you would like to stay. There's some food and water inside. Feel free to do whatever, just be mindful of others and respect privacy. At about 9pm we will gather at the stage to announce the newcomers. That's you, but also a few others are here as well. More will also be said at that time. Rest if you need to. I'll see you in a bit."

Ally walked off and I walk into this little hut. I put my stuff on the bed and peak around to see how this place works. The window spaces have these roll down shutter things and the door is the same thing. What do we do for windy days? Maybe I can peak at other peoples huts to see what they have going on.


"Jesus fu-!"

"Haha, sorry. Don't eat that muffin just yet. Bring it with you tonight, ok. Oh and yes, the door and window thingy's, In the ground, there are spokes to pin down the door. There are also ties along the doorway to help keep it shut. Same for the windows. People here respect other people's privacy and understand that it can get very hot so they stay open most of the time for the air flow and getting a cool breeze that crosses the pond."

"What about when it rains?"

"Outside there is a tarp attached to the back of the hut. We all help each other out to cover the huts. We do it in a way where we can also collect the rainwater for things like laundry and dishes. As we go you will learn how it works. No need to worry. If you need to get more drinking water, there is spring water around back over that way. Ok, for real now, see you later."

9 p.m

"Hey! Wake up. Everyone is gathering."

I open my eyes to see the shape of a head popping through the doorway. I put my glasses on to see who it is but the person is already gone.

Yes, I like to nap. Deal with it.

I put on my sandals and walk up towards the stage. There's more people here than I thought. Judging by the people's clothing, the people that have been here for a while are wearing hippy clothes and the newcomers are wearing regular clothes. There seems to be a total of 30 people here. Standing apart from the crowd a little bit, I study the people to get an idea. I see Ally talking to a few people already on the stage.

I hear footsteps behind me. A man walks up and stands beside me. I immediately feel heat in my face as register what I am looking at. He's wearing black jeans, a Death Bed tank, and a black jean vest that looks like it had sleeves cut off. He's covered in tattoos. Dark brown hair, some facial hair and piercings. Glasses too. Hair slicked back under his hat. Oh my. Look away



A loud whistle coming from the front gets everyone to shut up.

Ally is the first to speak.

"What's up everyone! Glad you all joined together. Do not eat your muffins yet! Fred, put it down, I see you. Now that I have everyone's attention, set your eyes on Kaytiee."

A short lady, brunette and looks like she's full of spunk. A man stands with her as well.

"Hey guys. This is Mason. We, as well as a few others are the founders of this island. We have started this project with reasons of our own as you have your own reasons to have come here. The main purpose we all share is to live without attachments and worldly governments. Our own world the way we see fit. You all have the freedom to live however you want it to be. Your paradise."

Mason steps forward.

"Before continuing, now is the chance to decide if you are in or out. If you are out, leave now and we will have Mike escort you back. You will spend the night at the beach and someone will send you back home in the morning. If you decide to stay, eat your muffins."

What is in these muffins? Mason and Kaytiee look at each other with a big grin on their faces and begin eating their muffins. I look to the man beside me and he looks at me, both carrying questions on our minds. I smell my muffin. OOOOOH! My eyes become enlarged and I hint to the man that it is good to eat. He smells his muffin.

"Heck yeaaah! Cheers"

We eat our muffins. I guess there's no going back now.

Mason speaks again.

"Tonight we celebrate the last people to come. We have watched you all from a distance for some time now and have chosen you to be the last ones to be welcomed in to live here. Which means that you cannot invite any friends or family members."

Kaytiee makes a gesture.

"Tomorrow morning one of will come to you and explain how things work in order to survive her, the rest is up to you to do what you please. Now can we start bringing out the drinks and shit and have some fun?"

Those are some good muffins

The sound of music, chatter and partying is tempting but I would rather ride the wave by the pond. Sitting on the edge with my feet in the water as I become a space cadet and look up at the stars.
I lie on my back as I space right out, the music changes into psychedelic sound and I close my eyes. People feeling the same thing I am, tripping out and having fun I'm sure.

MMM what's that smell?

I open my eyes and I see that same man standing there beside me. Smoking a blunt and staring out in the distance. He looks at me, and offers me some and sits down beside me.

A sweet night this is going to be!

Check out my posts in the near future for a 3rd part with a twist.