Desde ayer se detuvo el tiempo,
el riachuelo ya no empapa con sus aguas,
las nubes no dibujan al moverse,
el sol no se esconde
y la luna no aparece.
Mis gritos no te alcanzan,
mis lágrimas secas de magia
solamente recorren mis mejillas y
en mis labios eternamente tu nombre escribo.
Desde ayer todo se transformó,
el ocaso no logra embellecer el horizonte,
se desliza en mi mente tu ausencia
y mi cuerpo tiembla al no tenerte.
Clamo que me quieras,
porque me tienes sin tenerme,
te gusta que me gustes,
belleza que no se mancha
porque nada me entregas,
nada me exiges.
Desde ayer la ventana está abierta,
la puerta está cerrada,
como hielo al sol me deshago entero,
y tú
sin presagios, ni palabras
danzas en el rocío matinal
sabiéndome de ti enamorado.
Cada mirada es despedida,
con sonrisas cuál puñales,
muriendo sin prisa
porque tú no me amas.
Since yesterday, time has stopped,
the stream no longer soaks with its waters,
the clouds do not draw as they move,
the sun does not hide
and the moon does not appear.
My cries do not reach you,
my tears dry of magic
only run down my cheeks and
and on my lips I eternally write your name.
Since yesterday everything has changed,
the sunset fails to beautify the horizon,
your absence slips into my mind
and my body trembles at not having you.
I cry out for you to love me,
because you have me without having me,
you like that I like you,
beauty that does not stain
because you give me nothing,
you demand nothing from me.
Since yesterday the window is open,
the door is closed,
like ice in the sun I melt whole,
and you
without omens, without words
you dance in the morning dew
knowing that I am in love with you.
Every glance is farewell,
with smiles like daggers,
dying without haste
because you don't love me.
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Wow. I love this poem, welldone
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