Autumn... to some it is what spring is to me. To others, it is associated with life and how short it is (we should live and enjoy now).
The last autumn, lost love and daily life with memories of how it once was are shared with you, the community, by the winners.
Last week's winners are
Thank you all for sharing your creativity, and feelings with the community.
Please, do read each other and give your support.
A great week/end,
🍀💕 @wakeupkitty
Congratulations to @creeptor, @veryhappyday, @felixgarciap ! You HiveSBI has been awarded!
Thanks so much to @wakeupkitty for running this fantastic contest!
Thank you!
Thank you, it is my pleasure to participate/write. :)
And congrats to other winners! @felixgarciap @veryhappyday
Congratulations to all the winners