Brian did more than his best as a child. It is hard to hear others talk about celebrating, gifts. MSM, television, shops, everyone does the same, paints a picture of a happy family gathered around a tree with a mountain of wanted gifts. Such a shame it's not about the spirit, such a shame so many are exhausted, bankrupt, into debt, and lonely during these days.
Ahug, playing games, telling stories, and quality time together is an option as well.
The reality being told isn't negative. A great first entry.
Greetings @wakeupkitty
Thank you for joining pic1000👍
Thanks for the comment and warm welcome. And yeah, nowadays I think there's just built-in pressure out there to have a fancy Christmas or "it's not good enough. I think there are ways to celebrate it without costing a lot of money, but if one ever wants to invite family and friends to celebrate together, then it probably has to be grander. Unless one can find same-minded friends and have an understanding family. I think that's the best blessing one could get.