I feel sorry for the eldest. A teddy bear is not just a toy but a companion and a friend you take along and sleep with. I find it very hard to believe they thanked their mother unless they were afraid of her.Always being force to share breaks a person and for sure it isn't fair of those parents to give the youngest more than the eldest who always has to share what is his. I assume the mother is not able to repair a bear or the father can't or they can't give their son something they like and don't want to share? Children should be taught that they should respect one another and there's no need to always share and if parents are wrong and like one child more (which they do in the eyes of a child) they should admit that as well.
I do understand where you are coming from but this is our reality over here. The eldest in most cases takes the brunt of it all. It's sometimes sane in a home with two to four kids max but when there is high number of children, sharing things becomes the norm.
Thank you for reading.