I'm glad you saw this one Swigs, I know you had/have close relationships with those who served and whilst their experiences may have been somewhat different to the fictional character in this piece, I feel quite confident that they would relate quite well.
I wanted to bring the personal aspect to bear, the fact that soldiers aren't all warmongers or evil, just people who do what others cannot, and they know fear, but deal with it in different ways than others through necessity.
I'm glad it felt real, that's how I like to write fiction.
That is an important lesson there. I can say from my own experience that most are not. Most just really are out to protect their country. The fact that there is fighting is part of the necessary evil.
I usually get to read, but not always able to comment, but, this one really touched me.
It felt real. One hundred percent. Thank you.
Sometimes being a patriot puts a person in harm's way, sometimes it's the deep-seated need to protect; people feel that as you know. Either way, since the beginning of time people have had to do uncomfortable things, make decisions and take actions that have implications and ramifications on them and others. It's necessary and I can't see it changing.
I'm really pleased you liked this piece.
I really did. I like when you keep it real. The makings of a book to be written.
I've got a lot of books to write; I fear that I'll run out of time though Swigles.