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RE: Two || Three || Four

in Freewriters3 years ago

I'm glad it made you feel something. That's always my hope.

I've been to Paris many times and love it so was drawing on my own memories heavily. It's a beautiful city and a beautiful setting for our love-struck fellow and the beautiful Eléonore to have these experiences. I will write some more about these two people, once I come up with a name for him.

Also yes, Eléonore is a stunning woman...She's real you know, but for the sake of this piece, and hive, let's just say she's fictional.

Thanks for your kind comments. I'll be honest and say I just write from the heart and yes, with the passion I feel, so I'm glad it reads ok and that a few have taken the time.


From your own memories you say?... I thought as much. And yeah.. it will be nice to know the narrator's(protagonist) name.

Ohh... so Eléonore is in fact real! That's very good to know. And it's all good, i understand your reasons for her facade.

Regardless, It's my earnest pleasure to read this and more. Until then I guess...

From your own memories

I've travelled the world so draw on those moments for my stories sometimes. Eléonore is in fact real!

Most of the fictions I write are based on my own experiences and real people. Not always my own direct experiences, but a lot of the time they are. Of course, they are still fictions as I like to reserve my real life and what happens in it for myself and those who share it. But, in my fictions there are many parallels and a lot of myself.

Hmm... how fascinating.

So in a nutshell, if we read carefully in between the lines... we just might find some hidden aspect to the very many parallels of your personality?...

This makes me wonder if you do indeed try to encode some of your private-sentimental feelings or experiences into some of the fictions you write. Perhaps maybe for the satisfaction of it? Or for the hope that few souls may actually grasp the true message?

Correct me if I'm wrong please😅

I don't have hope that some few souls actually grasp it...But my posts are often a personal diary of sorts so yes there's me in them and at some stage I can revisit them and remember the emotion or concept, the thoughts, I hidden between the lines.

People will form opinions of me no matter what I do and I don't really care about them, people's perceptions. What matters to me is that I am the best version of myself I can possibly be, as often as possible. Those that see it, that respond to it...Well, they're the special ones and may begin to see more clearly.

Wow! That's very beautiful.

You know for the first time, I think I finally understand. Thank you Galen!