Helpless| POETRY

in Freewriters4 years ago

when a mother tucks every
prayer she had learnt into the body of
her crumbling son
and God doesn't bat an eyelid
till death draws him into its tempest.
we turn to the priest,
ask him why God clasps silence
when we need him the most.
God's plan, he answers.

when turbulence walks
through our homes
as though our home is a titanic ship
we cry till a voice perches
on every turbulence
& knits it into tranquility.

but, when God watches a nation burn
with what do we fight?
when he watches a girl crumble
before her pious mother
with what does she use to fight?



Wow, this is heartwarming dear. Great job. Keep it up 😊🙏

This is a sad poem but passes a true message indirectly. Many people are encountering difficult challenges and others are lost in pain, helpless. Hmmm, we pray for God's mercy.

Lovely poem