"What do you have in your boot?" One of the beer-bellied policemen asked the driver once his vehicle was flagged down at the checkpoint.
"Nothing sir," came the response. "I have nothing in there."
"Open it. I want to see." The officer insisted.
"Believe me," the driver handed some crisp paper notes to the policeman. "You may have that for the weekend. I am in a hurry, sorry."
"Thanks, gentleman. All correct. You may go now"
Had the boot been opened perhaps the little girl being kidnapped and ferried away would have been rescued.
One of the darker truths of life. Nobody really cares about things which don't concern them and are happy to remain in ignorance. Even those in positions of great responsibility work for self-gain rather than serving an ideal.
Thanks for capturing the central theme of the story. Men are inherently greedy and selfish.